Friday, May 27, 2016

Week 74

May 16.2016

Dang, tons of stuff happened this past week. Well cool things. Starting off, yesterday we had 8 inactive members of the church at church with us and 6 people investigating the church! :) That was super cool. I went on two exchanges with other missionaries  this past week and that was really fun had a really good time. One had been out a week and the other is one of my leaders. 
We "ringed hogs" this past week. As in we put rings in some pigs noses at a farmers house so that way they dont dig, that was a very interesting experience haha! I got some good pictures though i'll send you guys. I found out one of the new sister missionaries knows some of my old roommates. I also found out the elders quorum president knows 2 of my other roommates who served as his leaders in his mission like 6 years ago so that was super cool. Small world! :) 
This 7 year old was asking us about how kids are born and tons of other really interesting questions haha that was.. interesting. We told her to ask her parents. After explaining to her that I was born in a chicken egg in a box bought from sears.... hahahaha 
Ate dinner with a lot of really cool people this past week. 
Some of my friends who served missions here but finished recently suprised me with a visit! They were going through elko on the way to reno and called me saying they wanted to give me a referral and then they asked me for my address and I was like ummmm that is weird but I recognized their voices (they didnt tell me who it was) so that was funny. 
We moved this huge like 150, 200 lb old tv between myself and my companion it was difficult because it was high up on a thing. as we start moving it, a bunch of cockroaches came running out too so that was nasty. We were trying not to get touched by them but at the same time not drop it haha. Good times. Several people we've been teaching opened up a ton and told us their concerns so that was also awesome! :) Tons of other things I could say. and little time to say it. Love you guys! :) 

Elder Quinton

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