Friday, May 27, 2016

Week 70

April 18th, 2016

HI Everyone,
We made tortas for everyone this past week! well including all the missionaries, that was pretty fun. 

We had a pretty tough day early in the week, lots of people kept canceling our appointments and whatnot, so we went to get gas in our car because it was almost empty. As we were walking out of the gas station this guy in this 30's was like "HAIL SATAN!" and I was like ummmm okay? My companion was like. "HAIL JESUS!" haha it was kind of funny/weird. 
I went on exchanges with another missionaries this past week, that went super good. I've been doing a lot of self- evaluating this past week and how I can do better. I have lots of good ideas that I started the other day. 
I went into my old area for the exchange which was awesome! Had dinner with a family I knew and everything. Turns out their 3 year old daughter got ran over by a car several months back (shes still alive), the only sign that she was run over is a tiny mark on her hand. They told us that the driver told them he saw angels lifting the car up as it was happening so that was a crazy story to hear. 
We had 4 inactives at church that we've been teaching and 1 person who is investigating the church though so that was super cool! :) 
Honestly this past week was a super good week. 

Elder Quinton

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