Friday, May 27, 2016

Week 75

May 23,2016

Hello Hello! Things are going pretty good. 
Our most progressing person is getting baptized in two months. Hes already read the book of mormon once and is half way through again lol. So that is super cool! :) His name is Rene
I was asked this past week to speak on "opposition in all things" for yesterday. I was given like.. 2 days notice or something like that. spoke for about 15 minutes. It actually went really well though I thought. I took a picture of the 5 pages of notes and thoughts I had, I'll send them attached to this email! :) 
We drove to spring creek which we cover in Spanish. There was like hardly any Spanish people out there and it was super spread out. We drove like an hour or so out there. 
We had lots of good conversations with people this past week though. 
Its been really cool several of the people here really remind me of some of my close friends from back home so that has been pretty cool. Some of our members told us they could take us on a mine tour here so we may be doing that innnnnn about.. a month or so. 
Mostly though things have been going good. We have been just trying to find people to teach. we've been trying to focus on english and spanish too so thats been honestly a major pain. There should be another set of missionaries out here to cover english so both areas dont suffer trying to keep focus between two lol. Not a whole lot new though. 


Elder Quinton

Week 74

May 16.2016

Dang, tons of stuff happened this past week. Well cool things. Starting off, yesterday we had 8 inactive members of the church at church with us and 6 people investigating the church! :) That was super cool. I went on two exchanges with other missionaries  this past week and that was really fun had a really good time. One had been out a week and the other is one of my leaders. 
We "ringed hogs" this past week. As in we put rings in some pigs noses at a farmers house so that way they dont dig, that was a very interesting experience haha! I got some good pictures though i'll send you guys. I found out one of the new sister missionaries knows some of my old roommates. I also found out the elders quorum president knows 2 of my other roommates who served as his leaders in his mission like 6 years ago so that was super cool. Small world! :) 
This 7 year old was asking us about how kids are born and tons of other really interesting questions haha that was.. interesting. We told her to ask her parents. After explaining to her that I was born in a chicken egg in a box bought from sears.... hahahaha 
Ate dinner with a lot of really cool people this past week. 
Some of my friends who served missions here but finished recently suprised me with a visit! They were going through elko on the way to reno and called me saying they wanted to give me a referral and then they asked me for my address and I was like ummmm that is weird but I recognized their voices (they didnt tell me who it was) so that was funny. 
We moved this huge like 150, 200 lb old tv between myself and my companion it was difficult because it was high up on a thing. as we start moving it, a bunch of cockroaches came running out too so that was nasty. We were trying not to get touched by them but at the same time not drop it haha. Good times. Several people we've been teaching opened up a ton and told us their concerns so that was also awesome! :) Tons of other things I could say. and little time to say it. Love you guys! :) 

Elder Quinton

Week 73

May 9, 2016

Hey! I am in Elko now. Things seems to be going good for the most part. Not a whole lot of updates though honestly. I am doing really well, I met and remembered about 30 or so members yesterday so that was good. 
It was like a 5 or so hour drive from the west side of Nevada to the east so I had a good conversation with several of the missionaries that were headed out there with me so that was cool. 
Thus far, I had to basically purge where we live in the basement and clean because it was filthy and cluttered. I've had to do other stuff too, but the details aren't important haha. 
There has been a lot of rain and thunder the last couple days. I In the several days I've been here though, we've met a ton of people. we had several less actives at church that supposedly never come even when they say they will but we had some really good lessons with them. And then we also had a few investigators so that was great! 
A member was telling us that when he was in mexico (we were talking about Chanclas which are basically sandals, their mothers normally throw those at them or hit them with those instead of spanking them or using belts or whatever people use haha) He said one time his brother ticked his mom off so much and said he wasn't going to eat the rice and beans (they were poor that's all they had) and so she got all angry and reached for the chancla but she wasn't wearing any so she reached for the next closest thing and it happened to be a knife and apparently she threw it and was like Oh my goodness! and she passed out and all those other things. the kid is okay this happened like 10 years ago haha was just a funny/ weird story. 
The ward mission leader out here is so awesome. He is seriously what will help this ward to get on board with missionary work. He and I were having a really good conversation about how we can't force people to be saved etc etc. 
Not a whole lot else. Have a great week! :) Happy Mothers day/cinco de mayo and all that other stuff! well.. those happened last week, but I forgot to say it ;) 

Elder Quinton

Week 72

May 2nd

Hi All,

I am being Transfered! To elko, which is 5 hours east of where I am lol.  my new address is 
3348 Enfield ave Elko, NV 89801
So that will be cool! Those that are sending me letters, it would probably be best to send them to the mission home (1146 Prater Way, sparks nv 89431) though and they can forward it to me there.
My new companion is elder Shepherd who was my companion in the MTC in Mexico! :) 
Overall the week went super well though. We got a lot done and visited a lot of people. We had another exchange with more of our leaders and that went well. One of those elders goes home with me so that will be cool. Not a lot of time today because welllll I have to back all of my junk and there is quite a lot haha :) 
Talk to you next week! 


Elder Quinton

Week 71


We had a super good week! Tons of success with visiting people and whatnot. I thought on Tuesday that I may of broken my finger... with a hairline fracture, but its not really hurting as much now. It was a little swollen though. It feels fine so I think I'm all good. 
My wildest dreams came true this past week. One of our neighbors who is an inactive member of the church. Took us to see his 67' shelby gt 500. He has been rebuilding it and was sending it off to get the engine in and then is going to paint it. I will put pictures don't worry ;) 
We were eating with a Latino member family and the father knew I used to work as a manager at dairy queen so he was like "hey elder Quinton, could you tell my son what french fries do to you?" and looked at the son and was like "french fries make you fat" and he took a big gasp of breath and said "cholesterol....!"  hahaha it was so funny he asked me about it. I told him he could only eat it once a year and then 2 days later his dad was talking to me and said that they went to McDonald's to play on the toy set there and all the son got was a powerade and how the dad's wallet was very happy. hahahaha so funny. The kid is like 9. good times :) 
We had 1 inactive told us she wanted to read the scriptures every day and that she wanted the lords spirit with her again, and then another inactive started coming back to church and is also reading scriptures every day so that was legit! :) . overall really good stuff though. 
Elder Teixeira and myself started hiking for working out in the mornings. Better work out. and better view. Plus we lift weights at night so.. double the work out. 

Elder Quinton

Week 70

April 18th, 2016

HI Everyone,
We made tortas for everyone this past week! well including all the missionaries, that was pretty fun. 

We had a pretty tough day early in the week, lots of people kept canceling our appointments and whatnot, so we went to get gas in our car because it was almost empty. As we were walking out of the gas station this guy in this 30's was like "HAIL SATAN!" and I was like ummmm okay? My companion was like. "HAIL JESUS!" haha it was kind of funny/weird. 
I went on exchanges with another missionaries this past week, that went super good. I've been doing a lot of self- evaluating this past week and how I can do better. I have lots of good ideas that I started the other day. 
I went into my old area for the exchange which was awesome! Had dinner with a family I knew and everything. Turns out their 3 year old daughter got ran over by a car several months back (shes still alive), the only sign that she was run over is a tiny mark on her hand. They told us that the driver told them he saw angels lifting the car up as it was happening so that was a crazy story to hear. 
We had 4 inactives at church that we've been teaching and 1 person who is investigating the church though so that was super cool! :) 
Honestly this past week was a super good week. 

Elder Quinton