Monday, March 2, 2015

Week 12

Hello! :)

Last pday we went to Virginia City, which is an old mining town, it is built on gold and silver mines that were shut down, when I think it was WW2 started. It was pretty cool though we did a tour of one of the mines, I'll send out some pictures after this! I am staying in Carson for at least one more transfer! (transfers are tomorrow). My companion and I went with the spanish sisters, and then a less active who has been coming back to church recently. 

We have talked to several cool people this past week one is a less active who just started coming back to church (my comp and his old comp tried to meet with them a ton and they had no luck but he is coming back to church now) and his girlfriend is coming as well and their daughter who is ten. He is super good at guitar and is apparently in a band. 

Another less active we meet with, he is 88 and had surgery like 2 months ago. He was a jeweler and showed us his equipment and that type of thing that was awesome he used to have a bunch of famous celebrities as his clients when he was younger and still practiced. He also showed us his gun collection with was well.. HUGE. He has 20 some odd pistols and a bunch of other stuff. 

My comp and I cover a really big area, we cover 3 smaller towns in Spanish and then an English ward in Carson. The sister missionaries who cover the 3 small towns in English have been having little to no success over there, like 10 lessons in a week. So my companion and i went over there 3 days and found them like 10 referrals! It was quite exciting for them. 

My companion and I continue to struggle but are still working out our differences. I don't want to dwell on the bad though haha.

We had a really inspired day this past week though. I felt like we should go to a less actives house who we go to sometimes and I'm glad we did because her husband went into the ER and then was transferred to the Reno hospital because he is very sick. He has lung cancer and somehow got pneumonia and we stopped by right after she got home and she was having a really difficult time and you know, like missionaries we have special messages that help people so that was awesome. Similar experience later that night with someone else as well. . 

Funny story of the week I broke my study chair. I sat in it, and the chairs leg bent and broke I was like are you kidding me I don't even weigh that much!!! So I told the lady who we live with and she was like well my husband was standing on that chair last night to check the smoke detector and well hes too big to be standing on something like that (hes a bigger guy) so I guess I didn't break it but it was still super funny. 

It snowed like 4 inches! After working out in the morning we walked outside and ended up doing a snowball fight, I will get the pics from my comp for next weeks pictures. It was a lot of fun though. 

Lots more I could say but until next week! Enjoy! 
Elder Quinton

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