Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Week 11

Hello my favorite people! :) How is it going?
Things in Carson are going really well! Well there was a couple bumps and whatnot but things are going really well for the most part now. Last Monday we went hiking after we emailed and Elder White and I (my zone leader) we went up this rock face that was really steep and we climbed it and then we were told we went to the wrong part (the trail went to a different rock face, not the one we had just climbed). So we ran and beat them it was lots of fun though! 
I found out lots about my comp this past week. Reasons why we've been having lots of problems with things and whatnot. He is really struggling with his testimony and some other things which wasn't really news to me because I could tell. 
This past week he told me that he really hates when people tell him that he needs to help me with my Spanish more (he hasn't really been letting us do language study hardly ever. He will be like this counts as your language study and I disagree and tell him no but he thinks practice is the best thing for me and I think practice is good, but until I understand the rules it will only get me so far). This past week we actually had like 4 of our language study times though because I've been getting mad and making us do it. He was like I hate when people say I need to help you with your Spanish more because it makes me feel like the Lord is telling me that I'm not doing good enough and I'm Mexican I speak Spanish really well. Which is true he speaks very formal Spanish butttttttt that helps me not at all unless I can get time to study! and I'm just like.. DUH he is telling you to help me more! 

Funny story of the week soooooo. This 50 year old Latino lady I had never met before but my comp had. So she was talking to us and telling us about how she loves to party or whatever and then She looked at me and was like you are just so gorgeous just everything about you is just gorgeous, and I just turn bright red because well.. it was very embarrassing ha. And then at the end of the lesson I went for a hand shake and she hugged me!! I was like AAHHHHHH!!!!! it was. very very weird. 
Every Sunday and after district meetings my companion and my self and then the Spanish sisters eat with the Lopez family. They are great. The food is always delicious and I always have to take one for the team and eat a little extra.... ANYWAYS> So this past week she make something called.... papusos? or something like that. They are essentially pancakes with vegetables they are really good though! But anyways So i had eaten 3 and everyone else had eaten 1. and Sister Lopez was like who wants more? and I was like no i'm good i'm very full. and I turned around to get something and I hear Sister Pearson say "We all ate 2 already but I think Elder Quinton really wants another one" and I'm just like AHHH are you kidding?! it was pretty fun though the Spanish sisters are great. 

I had splits with the zone leaders this past week and that was awesomeeeeeee. I was able to express concerns I had with my companion. The next day actually my companion was mad and he called the zone leaders so we met with them and he told them why he was mad and they agreed with me and pretty much told him that he was wrong. So that was slightly amusing. But since that meeting things have been wayyyy better. We have had several super spiritual lessons since then. We used Thursday to organize our area  book which is basically just a record of all former, potential, and current investigators. It is very disorganized and I suggested we take Thursday to do that and he got very mad and then that next morning was when he called the zone leaders. But like I said since then things have been great! 

Other stories of the week a couple lessons fell through on the same day but we that was definitely inspired or something because we had a couple awesome experiences because of that. Such as.. I lifted a car up. This lady somehow had backed onto a median? so one of his back tires was of the ground. It wasn't in the middle of the road though luckily. So anyways my comp is trying to push it and I was just like okay now let me try because you know hes a lot smaller than I am. Soooo yea I lifted and pushed it (we put it in neutral) but lifting it was the hard part. 

I almost crashed on my bike this past week, we were driving and I saw something that I wanted to jump off of, it was just like a 1 ft drop and so I went for it and I jumped the bike as high as I could exceptttttttt.. it was more like a 3 ft drop and I got an additional foot of air so it was like 4ft. I was like crud! It was close. I learned my lesson though :-) 

A couple weeks ago I mentioned how my comp and I were in a lesson and someone knocked on the door looking for Mormon missionaries because he saw a car with a bike rack outside. He's a less active, he came to church with us yesterday though and I had a really good chat with me. He is 24 and went to Tennessee on his mission but hasn't gone to church in 8 months. He said the night that we met him he was so glad we were that. He got a little emotional and said that he has been having a really hard time with stuff in his life and that he was praying and just crying because he needed help and he got off his knees looked out the window and saw our car. So that was awesome. Hes a good kid I think the things I talked to him about really helped him he wants to come back to church which was awesome!

Theres more I could write buttttt time is short. love you all!
Elder Quinton

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