Monday, February 9, 2015

Week 9

Happy Valentines! :) Well a couple days early.. but still. This week is going a lot better. My comp and I still butted heads a little but a LOT less. Last Monday after emailing, we went bowling with our zone leaders and some sisters in our district I got 5 strikes in one game... which those of you who know me know I am AWFUL at bowling it was hilarious though.

This Past week we found riding bikes is the absolute best way to find people in Carson. Last Tuesday and Wednesday we had 14 lessons between those two days and found several new investigators. Of course Thursday- today its been POURING down rain like crazy, everyone's excited though because there has been a pretty bad drought apparently. 

I forgot to write about it last week but most mornings we play soccer for almost an hour. and I hurt my foot last week (the arch where I broke several years back) and then the next day I got kicked really hard twice on the outside of my ankle. So my foot has had a pretty painful week. Its a little better now though, I am glad I brought my ankle braces with me. 

We had several funny experiences this past week. We were in the middle of a lesson and heard a knock on the door. The person at the door asked if the Mormon missionaries were there and keep in mind were at an apartment complex so they had to of knocked on several doors. The person was Mormon and had just moved to the area and saw a car with bikes and knew it was the elders. 

My companion and I have had several good conversations this past week, hes been having a difficult time with stuff, I think because his family isn't members and they never write to him etc. He also told me he has no friends his own age, he lived in Utah before his mission for a year (where he got baptized) and all his friends were in their 40's so he isn't sure how to act with someone his own age. He said he's never even had a best friend before or anything which made me think dang maybe I take the smallest things for granted.  I'm not sure what all it is but he's having a difficult time with stuff and we've talked a bunch and a couple times I felt impressed to say things a certain way and afterwards he was crying (I guess I bring tears to peoples eyes on occasion? ;) ). I think things will be better with him though. One thing that I really liked when we were talking about just random stuff was he asked me "Elder Quinton, how can you apply your life experiences, your job experience, etc to being a missionary?" I really liked that though because I hadn't thought about it before. 

To another cool experience, we had dinner with a family this past week and they are probably one of my favorite families, they are really cool and have a lot of common interests with me. I also found out the wife (Yanita) is a Princess from Indonesia. Shes from Yakarta, she left when she was 16 though shes I believe the youngest sibling in her family, but Her family is the Royal Family. They live in the palace, her parents or older sibling is the king/queen or something like that thought that was super cool. Her husband Erik is really into photography and cars and building things I had lots of fun talking to them. 

I got officially certified to drive as a missionary this past week BOOYAH! haha. 

We met an 88 year old named Albert, superrrrrr cool guy he is really knowledgeable. We talked to him for about an hour and his wife got home and the first thing she asks is "WAIT WAIT! has he showed you his naked picture yet?!" and we were like... what? she pulls us over to the wall and he was apparently a famous gymnast like 60 years ago. and He was indeed very naked in the pictures (you couldn't see anything.. but.. yea. hahaha it was really funny). 

I got a call Saturday afternoon and The guy asked if I could teach Elder Quorum on Sunday and I was like as in tomorrow Sunday? and he was like yea and I was like ummm yea I can do that. Then he was like ,"oh its in Spanish too". So that was lovely, and then he apologized for the late notice and said he was busy this week. So I had about an hour to prepare a 45 minute Spanish lesson even though we didn't even have the lesson manual. It actually went really well though. 

Before we play soccer every morning, we do a little 10 minute work out and do random things and one of the work outs said "wall push ups" and I took that literally so myself and one of the zone leaders did hand stands and did push ups, I had no idea I could even do those butttttttt I did about 20? so that was kind of cool, difficult though. My next challenge will be to learn how to do it without the wall. 

You know how in Jesus' time they drank wine and whatnot? well I was wondering why because you know, Jesus knows everything and whatnot. So I asked a couple people and tried to research with what little personal time I have. So. Back then there was a lot of diseases and bad stuff in the water apparently and they used wine to kill the stuff in the water? It was watered down wine or something like that thought it was interesting though.

A kid named Angel, I'm pretty sure I've written about him before, he is the one that had nightmares that started praying and keeping the scrips close to him like I asked him to, I asked how it was going and he said he isn't having nightmares anymore WOOOOO! I was happy. 

I never noticed it before but Carson city is super clean, I have yet to see graffiti on something and I never seen trash in parking lots. Its kind of cool everyone for the most part is really nice. for the most part.. haha. That's all folks, enjoy yourselves! and may the odds be ever in your favor! ;)
Elder Quinton

My Companion

Bowling!! 5 strikes!

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