Monday, March 16, 2015

Week 14

Good Afternoon!!

Last pday we went on a 2 mile hike after I emailed everyone. At the top of the hike (well as far as we went at least) it was at about 6500 feet andddddddd there was snow. district snowball fight it was awesome. It got pretty intense. I have a picture of my companion and one of our sister missionaries snowball fighting its great. However I also got some pictures of just myself as well soooo pictures will come in an hour or so! 

Our week was so busy this past week. man. We had a TON of lessons. I was supposed to sing in sacrament with Sister Pearson this past week, but my throats been pretty swollen so its difficult to talk let alone sing. So we post poned it for a couple weeks. We had some really powerful lessons this past week though in regards to lessons on the temple. 

I have a talk that all of you cool kids should look up. It is super good. It is called "Unleashing the Dormant spirit" by F. Enzio Busche. it was from 1995 BYU devotional. 

One of the powerful lessons I was speaking about the husband isnt a member, wife is. Ivfe mentioned him before his name is Andy. Hes been in law enforcement and military his whole life but hes nothing like the stereo type that comes with those fields. hes the guy that said he would read the BOM when the first week i was here after telling tons of sets of other missionaries that he wouldnt. for the past like 15 years. ANYWAYS> we talked about temples. and it was really strong as it was and then We were like "andy, god never intended just a normal marriage for you. He's always intended for you to have an eternal marriage etc etc" and he just started crying and said that he knew and that he has always known he would take her there someday. It was so cool! :) 

Every morning we play some kind of sport anddddddddd this past week we played basketball like 5 times... I was dying. I mean I dont mind basketball butttttttt definitely not the biggest fan. Only like 3 of our 8 like basketball. Sooooooo thennnnnn we did something else. like.. soccer.. :-) speaking of which my legs dont feel very happy with me lately. Ive gone to the Chiropractor a few times to get help with my back. and its helped a little bit. 

I bought heavy duty tubes from my bike tires. Very glad I did too. Before i installed them while we were riding bikes.. well.. I got a flat tire and my comp did at the same time and we had just barely bought the new tubes not 30 minutes before. so that was funny. 

Good Afternoon!!
Went to a chinese restaurant this past saturday with some members and the spanish sisters. I got the fortune "a pleasant suprise is in store for you tonight" and everyone laughed really hard about that. So later that night im laying in bed and my comp is about to get into his bed and i was like. soooooo... whats my suprise? we laughed about it for an hour it was great. I also fell really good playing soccer on saturday. I was trying to be careful and not run into the sister missionaries and there was 3 so I was dribbling the ball between them and I tripped over my own foot and man. right on my tail bone. It doesnt feel good haha so sore!. 

Yesterday we went to an investigators house and her direct tv was out and so she was trying to trouble shoot what the lady on the phone told her to do but her english isnt very good so she asked for one of us to help. The investigator doesnt speak good english I mean. So i take the phone. do what she says then have to wait a few minutes for it to reboot so I started talking to her. Sure enough she was based in Idaho Falls and was mormon so that was pretty funny. 

Then we were passing a house and my comp was like i recognize this house so we stopped by and it wasnt who he thought it was going to be. That person had moved out but this guy was an ex communicated mormon who is trying really hard to regain his membership. He is from Katy Texas. And i was like hey i had 3 roommates from there when i was going to BYU Idaho! sure enough he knew them all. it was super cool. 

Anyways thats all happy St. Patricks day! ;) 
Elder Quinton


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