Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Week 13

Hello all!

Hows it going? Man, daylight savings was difficult. I've been tired like crazyyyy. I think I am a little sick too though, which doesn't help. My throat is sore and my tonsils are a little swollen which has sucked. I went to the Chiropractor this past Monday because my back has been killing me which has been making my legs hurt worse than normal so that's been great! But it is a little better. I have another appointment today. 
Last Monday I bought a huge thing of fruit smiles and 2 bags of the "fave red" star burst jelly beans and I ate it all in like two day. It was delicious. My companion was like elder stop! and so he asked the Spanish sister missionaries and he was like doesn't he need to not eat so many fruit snacks? and one was like "well I love this type of fruit snack from Walmart called fruit smiles" and I was like SHE GETS IT because I hadn't even told her what type I was eating. Then he did the same thing with the jelly beans and when I said what type they were they both agreed they were delicious. 

I popped my bike tire this past week, whoops! I fixed it and then it went flat again. there was like 4 holes in it it sucked lol. But it is officially better! 

Every morning we always play basketball or soccer or frisbee or something and some of the people the other day wanted to do basketball some wanted to do soccer so we did both. half on one side half on the other. it was 5 people doing soccer. I was on the 2 person team because well. I'm by far the best player there. Not that im amazing or something Id consider myself pretty good, but everyone else just isn't that good. So it was super unfair with 2 v 3. so they wanted to do all 4 of them v. Me andddddddd I still won. They didn't score at all. it was funny. I felt pretty cool. 

I have a Spanish joke! Que hace el Pez? nada! hahahaha. in English the joke is what does the fish do? the answer doesn't make sense in English. Nada (comes from the word nadar (which means to swim) ) and then nada also means nothing. It was funny. 

I saw a license plate this past week with my cats name on it. Epona. Which isn't a common name at all, so I took a picture. 

I found out another reason why my comp has been really easy to get mad at me. He hates that so many things like talking to people comes naturally to me. Not a good reason to get mad at me, but oh well. This week actually went really well though! our lesson amount doesn't show that it went well but it did. Not to mention I don't think any of it just came naturally, I learned just like anyone else can learn to do something. 

Another funny story. My comp sometimes will talk to me off the side of the bed (I'm on the bottom bunk he's on the top) while i'm trying to sleep. He asked if I could pop his back and I was like heck no i'm trying to sleep man. And he kept calling me Perezozo which means lazy. I was like if you don't stop I'm going to pull you off the bed. Well he didn't believe I would so ten minutes later he's still doing it. Its 11pm now. and so I put my feet between the bars of the upper bunk under the mattress and pushed. really hard. :) It was really hilarious though he sure wasn't expecting me to do that! He didn't get hurt though he caught himself. well.. he landed on his feet is what I should say. 

Well that is all for now! Enjoy your weeks :) 
Elder Quinton

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