Monday, March 30, 2015

Week 16

 Well suffice to say, I have lots of pictures to send soon. I took about.. 100 or so? Last week on pday we went hiking like normal. So that was pretty fun! My district was laughing so hard at my companion and I, they saw the non missionary elder Quinton for about 5 minutes doing a photo shoot ;) hahaha nah. It was hilarious though.
Lots of great stories this week though! One of the Less actives we teach, Scott, we found out he "eloped!" kind of. His girlfriend is also less active but they have been coming the last 2 months. anddddddddddd this past friday, He called up the bishop (Scott actually converted the bishop right after he got home from his mission which is cool ) and was like hey can you come over and marry us? The Bishop was like Ill be there in 5 minutes!!! So that was super cool, were excited for them. 

Our friend Pinky that we visit pretty often who has lung cancer among other things has been getting really excited to see us lately. He pretty much waits out side watching for us or looking out his window for us its great. 

We did a "Fun run" as a zone on friday to commemorate the end to our 90 day health challenge that was basically eat good food, exercise, drink water, wake up on time, etc. It was a 5k which is a little over 3 miles. Miraculously I made it! I definitely did not run the whole time. I ran likeeeeee.. 1/2 the time. One of the sisters in my district and elders I stayed with them the whole time so that made it more enjoyable. 

One of our latina investigators is trying to hook me up with her daughter that lives in vegas. She doesnt seem to get that I'm not interested. hahahaha 

One of our investigators got baptised on Saturday! Techinically it was the sister missionaries baptism, we began teaching her first and then she moved to their area and then she moved back to ours but we let them keep teaching her. We didnt baptise her, but she asked if I would confirm her so I did that yesterday. This is Lilly, the girl that about... 2 months ago was in jail overnight and then we stopped by 20 minutes after she got out of jail and she was like THIS IS A SIGN FROM GOD! so that was cool. 

Cool picture I've seen before but hadn't in awhile called "Under His Wing" by Jay Bryant. Its a picture of a little girl standing under the arm of Jesus. Look it up! 

After the baptism we went to Andy's shop (Andy the one who I said last week that he told his wife hes always known that God wanted him to take her to the temple).. and ohhhhh my goodness.. Man status shop. First of all he has 2 mustangs, 2 BMW's, 3 Harleys. tons and tons of tools. and then he has this walk in vault with the name "WAR ROOM" with the USA seal on it. So he takes me in there and it kid you not is an armory. easily 80-100 guns. and thats just the guns. He had body armor, knives, tazers, tons of that type of stuff. It was legit. 

Another funny story we were at our friend Byrons house. He speaks spanish. He was grilling ribs so we were talking to them and this little american kid who is probably 6 came up and Bryon asked if he wanted one and he was like YES!! and then byrons son Harold was like do you want to try some hot sauce? the kid says sure why not. Harold takes the cap off the top and hands it to the kid, and HE STARTED DRINKING IT!!!! and we all just bust up laughing and then like 5 seconds later the kid is like WOW that is super hot! it was great. 

well thats all kids! :) 
Elder Quinton


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