Thursday, September 15, 2016

Week 86

Aug 8th 2016

We had a long day last week moving all of our stuff to the new apartment and trying to get everything unpacked again haha. We set 3 people with baptismal dates for septermber 3rd and they are all progressing and really wanting it. 
We've been teaching several less active members of the church and theyve been slowly coming back to church. One of them has been having TONS of problems and whatnot and we committed her to read the Book of Mormon every night and then to also open up to a random place and read that chapter and the lord will tell her what she needs to here and what she needs to do . 
She ended up opening up to a scripture in the book of Alma that says essentially you will be comforted and strengthened in your afflictions as you do your part. That was a nice miracle. 
She also told us she had read a "little" every night. THen she said she had been reading 4-5 chapters nightly. I wouldnt exactly call that a little but that was cool. 
One of the other less actives we teach told us this past week that hes been thinking about coming to elders quorum (the 3rd hour class) again because he always really liked that class and he thinks thats all he can handle for now. Still a miracle though. 
I went to Winnemucca this past week which is about 2 hours away to do some spanish baptismal interviews because im the closest person that speaks spanish that is in leadership that can. Cool enough too, the missionary that needed them done was Elder Gallini! one of my previous companions. It was super cool to catch up with him and whatnot. 
We got a referral from the salt lake temple square mission. This guy named rafael and his 2 friends had 2 hours extra while in salt lake before they had to pick up someone from the airport so they did a temple square tour and they had TONS of questions and really want to learn  more and said they have lots of friends who will want to hear what we have to say so that was awesome! 
pictures with me and elder Gallini and then me with my companion and our zone leaders who we went on exchanges with. 


Elder Quinton

                                           Splits  with Elder Gallini

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