Thursday, September 15, 2016

Week 91


I had to do a couple baptismal interviews this past week! they went really
well its cool that people are looking to change their lives.
This past week we taught a bunch of people. we have been trying to find
people the missionaries used to teach and have had lots of success.
we saw lots of miracles this past week. and then this was pretty funny we
saw this guy outside so like we do as misisonaries, we went to go talk to
him. said hey how are you. then repeated it. then said it in spanish
because he wasnt saying anything he was just staring at us. hes in his..
early 30's. then finally he says. "i have nothing to say" and we were like
cooooool well do you know anyone that is going through a tough time? and he
just continues staring at us. the whole time im thinking. really?  we are here looking 
to help people. it was a strage experience. not the first though. nor will it be the last im
sure. Time sure is going quick though. I feel like im reminded of that

Elder Quinton

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