Monday, November 23, 2015

Week 50


Hi All,
Today is my year until return date! Buttttttt It may be changing. I heard our transfers may be off this next week. My year date that I’ve been out is December 10th though, time went by quick haha!.
 I found out that someone that I met right before I left, he was a white guy. We gave him to other missionaries since he lived outside our area and I found out he got baptized a few weeks ago! So that was super cool, his name is Dean.
 I found out switch blades are officially legal in Nevada now apparently? That was interesting haha a couple people we know showed me them.
 I was studying in the Book of Mormon the other day and came across a verse in Alma 44:6 which talks about Captain Moroni and how the support of wives and children are sacred, thought that was pretty sweet.
 Also the seminary students (for those that aren’t Mormon, seminary is early morning scripture study for the kids that are in high school) challenged the missionaries to a "scripture chase" and there are 25 "scripture masteries" that are chosen. We destroyed them, it was hilarious. They were super angry. I thought for sure they would destroy us since they are doing Old Testament and well. I studied that in seminary 8 years ago. The other 9 missionaries didn’t know them as well as I did so I was a little impressed with myself. The Lord sure helped me to remember haha!
 We went to teach someone that the sister missionaries we replaced were teaching and found out she didn’t want to get baptized into our church and that the sisters gave her candy to listen to them talk hahahaha I laughed when I heard that. Goodness.
 We ate 3 dinners yesterday it was the worst! hahaha. not on purpose. Spanish missionary problems... haha we kept meeting people who wanted to give us good. Sooooo yea. thats all for this week!
 Elder Quinton

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