Monday, November 16, 2015

Week 49

Hi Everyone,

Sad to of left Sparks! :( Tons of good friends there. 

Buttttttttt Carson is my other home. Tons of people were happy to see me again which was nice. 

Before I left elder Knight and I had a huge card throwing war. I won. and then we went to this local burger joint and tried something called the Mighty Mike. 1/4lb hot dog deep fried, wrapped in bacon and stuffed in cheese. it was funny. 

Its been a long 3 days in our area. We've had to throw away tons of stuff that missionaries have left in this house. We went through our record book and there was tons of people being taught out of our area which we gave to the missionaries who covered those areas. Tons to do here. Tons of organizing and junk to clear up. 

but no complaints! Its been a good few days :) 

One of my old investigators when I was here before decided to be baptized! that was super cool. 

This next week is super busy. we got texted yesterday asking us to give a 30 minute training in 2 days. I was like ugh. and we have to prepare 2 discourses each for this week. and a couple other things. stress haha. We are doing great though! :) 

I don't have much to say today though because we've just been way busy cleaning up and fixing stuff here. Hope you all have a great day! :) 


Elder Quinton

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