Thursday, December 3, 2015

Week 51


Hello Everyone,

So much to be said!
Someone from my last area just got baptized so that was awesome! 
We were at dinner with the Lopez family and also one of my friends from here, who has been back in the church for about a yea,r and I was going to share a scripture and "randomly" decided to look up at him and a completely different scripture came to my mind so I shared it instead. Then about 2 hours later He came and talked to me about it and how he's been having a hard time in his life and whatnot. It was cool we talked for  like an hour. I gave him a discourse by one of the apostles that really helped my perspective .He told me as well that it helped him a ton so that was pretty awesome! 
Happy late Thanksgiving! I can't spell. Actually I just dont' feel like going back to recorrect that :)  I know my sister or my mom will fix it anyway. lol

I was doing some studying on fear and faith this past week and I had an interesting thought'. So as Im sure you all know, Christ and the Atonement work among men "according to their faith". I was reading about that and then I was reading through fear and stuff on it (its the opposite of faith) and then I thought "Satan works among us according to our fears" which is probably obvious to most of you, I just hadn't thought about it before. Sure changes the way I think about it now.
Not a whole lot else to say after all. lol
 The week went really well though! :) 

Elder Quinton

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