Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Week 54


Merry Christmas! :) 

In my last area we had several people get baptized this past week! So that's pretty cool. Hopefully I will get pictures from my last companion (I wasnt there for it)

I found a book in a free box this past week at the church called "That all may be edified" by Boyd K Packer and it has his signature in it, that is pretty cool. It has a lot of his sermons and whatnot from late 80's and before. 

We had a big missionary christmas party, saw a lot of my old friends there which was cool. 

I saw a member from a different ward this past week that I knew when I was here before and they were like WHOA you're still here?! haha because it was like 9 months ago when I met them. 


At church there is this little 4 year old girl named Sophie who is super funny. I always give her high fives when she walks by and say hi when I see her. So that is the background to the story. So at the end of church yesterday, She was walking 10 feet down the hall towards me with her mom and I wave and she did one of those happy scream things that little kids do and came running at me and hugged my legs and said hi. I was a little embarrassed by her reaction (as missionaries were not supposed to hold kids/play with them) and her mom was a little confused because the girl is pretty shy. But it was alright. pretty funny still, little kids. gotta love them right? 


Elder Quinton

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