Monday, January 18, 2016

Week 56


Sorry guys, another short one. Last week, we had the opportunity to give a blessing in the middle of
p- day) Preparation Day) to a member, we went and talked to them for like an hour so that was pretty cool! 

We saw someone named Hector that I taught when I was here before, he was super excited to see me. We had a nice short lesson with him. 

Elder Lynn G. Robbins, in the presidency of the seventy came to speak to us, that was super good. I really enjoyed that I learned a lot. Made me really to try some things he said we should. 

Insight I had from the past week:

I've been thinking a lot about things like how Jesus commanded us to love all people lately. Love thy neighbor as thyself, etc etc. I was thinking about how that is possible because, you know we're all stupid and do dumb things we shouldnt and whatnot. I was thinking how can we learn to love everyone and I kind of figured it all comes down to service, when we serve people its impossible to not love them. Then I thought about how Jesus led a life of service and how the call to discipleship is really a call to serve. Same with all leadership positions. You are there to serve others and help them be better. Then I was reading the scriptures and realized that as we serve we help bring about the "cause of zion" where as it says in moses 7:18 zion is of one heart and one mind and there are no poor among them. 


Elder Quinton

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