Monday, January 18, 2016

Week 57


Hi Everyone,

We saw this guy that was struggling to take down his christmas lights, so we walked/back tracked to where he was and started talking to him. Turns out, he's a former member of the  LDS church, (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints aka the Mormon church. Mormon is just a nickname). We helped him for like and hour and then he thanked us and asked us where our church was and his dad died last year and hes been thinking about going to church again. That was super cool! :) 
We also went to the Spanish bakery which I've wanted to go to the last like 3 months since I've been here, must of been inspiration from God though, because we met 3 people (owners/employees) they had all talked to the missionaries before and knew quite a lot about our church and wanted to start studying again. Then they gave us free hot chocolate and doughnut so it was even better haha. 

We taught an inactive member and I got really bold with him and asked what keeps him from coming to church, his wife goes. He said he's waiting for God to tell him he needs to go back and it gave the great opportunity to tell him that this IS his call to come back to church and God often answers our prayers through other people etc. Went really good spirit was really strong. 

Also!!!! We saw andy! One of the people I taught for 6 months when I was here before. He was super excited to see us and told us he's getting baptized on the 20th of February and he wants me to be there. Sooooo hopefully I don't get transfered. If I do, that would be awkward haha. 

Also Brother Sargent, a returning in active got to baptize his 2 kids 3 weeks ago. I sent the picture last week. He recieved the call to be in the scouting program. He is super excited he called us in tears. Its super cool to see the difiference the gospel is making in his life. Hes made a ton of changes. 

Elder Quinton

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