Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Week 53

Hi Everyone,
The other day, when we were exercising, We were playing this game called oompa loompa ball which is basically ultimate frisbee, but with a football and you have to shoot it in the basketball hoop. So we scored and were going to "throw it off" for the other team and another elder was like hey Quinton, you played soccer right? I was like yeaaaaaaa. he was like, kick it in the hoop. I was like uhhhh soccer ball is way different than a football but alright. So I kicked it and it went right in, full court kick I was very suprised. It was complete luck! :) 

Funny miracle of the week, we were about to try this guy that I had taught a couple times and he normally ignores us when we knock, so we were getting out of the car and I was like, "bido, we should probs just pray, or we will never get into his house" so we prayed, walked over. and as Im about to knock he opens the door on his way out to the gym and hes like uhhhh hey guys, come in! hahahahaha it was hilarious. 

My official year mark has passed, I feel the exact same.. hahaha :) 

So theres this old 85 year old lady named Florence who has an ESL program that I found when I was in Carson before and I teamed up with her to teach English to Spanish people. SO I came back and called her this past week and asked if there was a time we could meet so that we could get the English class back on and she said sure and that she was glad I was back. We get over with some other missionaries and her hair is colored so I comment on the fact and she was like "oh please tell me you like it, I feel 20 years younger" and I was like well. "you look 20 years younger" and she was like "awhhh. Im so glad you're back" and she left for a second and the other missionaries were like WOW Quinton and I said what? It's okay to compliment people and help them feel good. It was pretty funny. 

Also a guy named Hector I taught when I was here before met some missionaries this past week and he was like, "oh elder Quinton used to come over and teach me!" so the elders called me and asked if I knew him and obviously I did and so we are going to meet with him this week!

We had our ward christmas party, santa came. I sat on his lap with my companion and said "hey 23 isnt too old to sit on santa's lap!" They got a kick out of that. 

Also one of my investigators from when I was here before, Andy, wants to get baptized! So that is super cool. 

Also I translated for church the other day. first time I had, I did okay. I actually really enjoyed that though, I decided I'm going to start practicing. 

That's basically all! love you all! 

Elder Quinton

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