Monday, October 5, 2015

Week 42

Hi All,
I get to stay here for another transfer woooo! this past one went superrrrrrrr quick. I will be staying with Elder Knight. 
We are doing good though. He keeps still struggling with focusing because of girls buttttttttt it is a work in progress! 
Crazy things for this week:
Hostage situation right next to my house. at the sparks highschool . It was super sad. That is right next to my house though, may have made national news who knows! 
We met this black man named Paris and he asked what happened to Knights foot because hes in a big ol' boot. and then when we left he asked if he could say a pray and he was like "dear Lord creator, I know you have a sense of humor today on the news a man found a snake with 2 heads, but they say two heads are better than 1 so please bless this man (my companion) that he can grow 6 toes, because 6 toes are better than 5" hahaha It was great! :)  Funny man.
We have a baptism in two weeks! This guy we met about a month ago and his wife. Him first, she wants to wait a few more weeks but he told us we were sent from Ggod and whatnot. Which you know, is pretty true. 
We've been playing more soccer lately, Ive found that old skills are starting to come back a little, that has been nice. 
Have a great week!

Elder Quinton

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