Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Week 41

Hi Everyone,

Apprently Elder Knights leg actually is broken! whoops... totally was kind of my fault too. Kind of. He was guarding me playing sports and he kind of walked on top of my foot and tripped and snapppp. We've been going to doctors several times this past week. 
At zone conferences this past week, Elder Knight and I wore matching grey suits and super skinny black ties, ( NOT planned) eeveryone thought we wre going to get called out because of how skinny the ties were and president walked up to us and told us how good we looked, hahaha so funny. 
He also told us he's been worried about us a lot lately since we've been inside because of Knights foot. We are going to be going on exchanges a lot this week with members so I can keep working while he hangs out lol. 
We heard gun shots outside our house a couple nights ago too! It was pretty intense, a car went flying by a minute later. pretty sure it was a drive by. It was like 100 yards or so down the road. We were also walking a few nights ago and a guy pulled his car over and was like " my mormon friends! you guys know this is the ghetto right?" and we were like "well yea, thats why were are here!" hahaha. I guess right next to my house is considered ghetto? Doesn't look like one at all though. Hope all is going well for you all at home! :) 

Casey came to visit

--                                                 Happy Birthday MOM!
Elder Quinton

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