Monday, September 7, 2015

Week 39

Sorry I am emailing a little bit later!
We've had a really hectic day and internet has been out in 3 of the buildings that we've tried (church buildings) and I just was able to fix it in one of them! took like 40 minutes.. someone had messed up the cords big time.
I made my salsa this past week WOOO!
It was delicious. I don't have a lot of time though this week so this will be shorter.
Elder Knight hurt his foot reallyyyyyyy bad this past week! He tripped on my foot when we were playing soccer and his ankle has swollen to double the size and is purple. Pretty bad. We went to the missionary doctor she told us its a very bad sprain and to take it easy this week.
I went on exchanges again. I realized something, every single time that I go on exchanges with an elder into his area, I have a really interesting experience with a less active member they are teaching. A very powerful spirited lesson. If that makes sense. Kind of cool though haha. Sorry I have nothing to say this week!
Elder Quinton


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