Friday, September 4, 2015

Week 38

Aug 31, 2015
Hello Hello! 
First full week in sparks has been great! In just a week, elder knight and myself have found an entirely new teaching pool! :) We have hardly used the people the other elders were teaching yet. That is our plan for this week though. There are several people we found this past week that want to get baptized though so that is pretty cool. 
Also! I forgot to mention it last week. So I was actually supposed to be a zone leader this transfer but due to a LOT of last minute changes and whatnot it was changed. Several people went home that were supposed to be staying and some missionaries didn't come out like they were supposed to. Looks like a dodged that bullet ;) haha. 
We have one of the general authorities of the church coming this past week (he got sick so its postponed) but he wanted us to all write a 5 minute discourse on faith and I thought a lot about what I want to say in mine and wrote tons of notes. I had been thinking about doing the correlation of Faith and Fear and how fear holds back our faith and because of that if we fear, we wont see the miracles that should happen because of our faith etc. and defining it through the scriptures and then in the bible dictionary. It was a good idea I thought. Then one of my good friends last week said something to the effect of hey, this is random but you should look up my favorite talk and its called "Some lessons of faith and fear" Gregory Clark. Anddddd. The ideas were the exact same that I had and he even used the same scriptures and bible dictionary reverences that I had planned on using. It was a super cool experience! You should read it its good. 
The elders that live upstairs in the same house as us are.. extremely dirty. Elder Knight and myself clean our dishes when we use them and clean up spills and all that. They just leave that stuff everywhere. Their junk is across the entire house it is so nasty. We had an intervention with them. Hopefully they keep that in mind. It was really bad. 
another miracle of the week is we were looking through some old papers of people that the other missionaries had tried before and came across a name that we decided to try. The address turned out to be wrong but as we were looking for it we found someone! He saw us(he was inside) and we started walking up to his head and he started laughing and shaking his head saying NOOOOO and then he put his big Doberman in the front window and was making barking noises for him (that dog wouldn't hurt a fly though, never even barks) and we just started laughing. Then he decided to come outside anyways. We had a member of the church with us and we found out this guy, Juan, had gotten out of prison a year before and had a lot of problems before he went in and he's been trying super hard to change his life and his girlfriend and him have been thinking about trying to go to church and get that spiritual guidance and wanted to find god for the first time in his life. 
We found a secret room in our house! it is in the closet and leads to a little attic thing. Who would of known right? 
For those of you that don't know me super well, I have several incredibly random talents that you would never in a million years need. One being throwing playing cards. I can throw them about 50 yards. try it. not as easy as you would think. Anyways though, I started teaching my companion how to do it. We have been having little mini wars throwing cards at each other. One of the other missionaries here asked if I could throw one through a rope he was spinning in a circle as fast as he could. I was like hmmmm probably not but I can try. So he starts spinning it in a circle as fast as he can, and I threw this card with all I could and it went through the spinning rope (no idea how) and CUT HIS NECK. It barely cut him but I was like WOW that was ridiculous!! He was also very surprised.
That is all! Love you all. 
hey also the new mission blog is 


Elder Knight

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