Sunday, July 5, 2015

Week 29

Hello Everyone,                           

                Last week of the transfer starts today! Who knows if I'm staying or going. President Hermansen leaves tomorrow and we get our new president. So crazy!

I am starting to get tired of hearing Mariache bands haha! 

One of our investigators, she was in the hospital and went into a coma 3 times. She had to have 3 blood transfusion and her blood is O- which is very rare. Her 14 year old son gave her blood 3 times it was intense. She is doing a lot better now though. 

We had pretty much every single lesson we had planned fall through this past week. It was a rough week. We are back at the shufelts! 

I went on exchanges with Elder Leon on saturday into his area. It was such an amazing day. We talked to tons of people. Probably the most spiritual day I've had as a missionary though. For both elder Leon and myself. We both felt really guided by the Lord. I think one of the differences was since I didn't really know the people, I had to really keep in tune with the spirit to follow what it said instead of what I would say. Or something like that I'm not sure. It was great though. One thing I've learned is that you have to really just focus on the doctrine of commandments and that type of thing to help people to understand better. 

I received a big letter from the primany (small children for those of you that aren't members of the church) that was pretty cool. They drew me pictures it was super cute! 

I don't have much to say for the week, love you all! 
Elder Quinton

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