Monday, July 27, 2015

Week 33


Hello All,
Yet another super hot week in Sun Valley! My watch tan line was incredible, I should have taken a picture before I decided to switch my watch to my other wrist. I am pretty tan now. At least I think I am.
After our weekly meeting last week, we went to Costa Vida! Love that place, and some of my Carson friends showed up too that was a big suprise! It was awesome though.
Walked 9 hours straight a couple times this last week, that was a little rough haha! My legs are definitely hurting from all of the walking. 

Oh also! I don't know if I mentioned it last week or not, but anyone that knows me knows that I am a very picky eater or was until a few months before my mission. Anywayyysssss I have always been very adamant my whole life with that fact that I hate eggs. Since I have an apartment though and don't live with a member, I've started cooking again! It has been great! I make a huge breakfast every mondayfor my comp and I. I have learned how to make scrambled eggs, peekaboo eggs, omlet, etc! It has been a lot of fun. 
I also found out that one of the senior couple missionaries, she is from Cardston Alberta Canada and knows lots of Quintons. Small world! Her bishop was.. Marvin? or Melvin Quinton? Not sure if you family members know him. Also I have had a couple people from my last Area get baptized in the last couple weeks since I've left. Cool stuff

Have a great week! 
Elder Quinton


Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Week 32

Hi Everyone,

Its been a long week, Elder Baker and I have both been being sick off and on and whatnot. On top of that, with walking 7-9 hours a day in 90-100 degree weather my feet are killing me. The skin between my toes this past week split open it was pretty crazy haha! They are doing a little better now though. No one is outside until like 5pm so we just have to walk and talk all day. Which is cool, he's a fun guy.
These recent spanish converts, I was talking to them and they told me that they got their citizenship recently and I was like "Oh awesome how did you feel when you got it?!" and she said "I ran out of there yelling, I'm a white girl now! "(soy una gringa ahora) it was so funny. 
We also did like 10 hours of pulling weeds this past week, it was a lot. They use these tools called a "U hoe" though it is used in desert areas apparently, never had seen one in my life before this. My spanish is getting better though! It is nice to be in a spanish area for once. 
I don't have much to say this week. Thanks for the support and letter! :) 
Elder Quinton


Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Week 31

I was told the wrong address! My Address is actually

4255 Wedekind road #1615
Sparks Nevada, 89431

Not sure how I was told wrong but alas, I was. 
Elder Baker, who is my new companion is from Gilbert, Arizona. He is hilarious, him and I have a really fun time together we dropped a lot of the people when I got here though because the people here werent progressing besides like 2 or 3 people. Sooooo we are essentially startingf from scratch and we have been walking a ton. pretty much most of the day long. We have had some really good lessons so far though! 
Pretty much no one is home in our area until about 5 pm at night though which is always fun so we get to know each other reallllyyyyy well. He is a fun guy though. We have lots of similarities. 

I got a huge splinter in my hand while doing service this week. It was getting close to an inch long. Didnt feel good but Im doing good :) 

There are some really cool members here one being a convert named Isaac. He is super cool, likes to come out with us. He gave my comp and me the nick name "BakeQuin" kind of sounds like bacon I had a lot of laughs over that. 

ALSO! Elder Bakers former stake president is my sister Kali's mission president who just left! President Riggs I think is his name. So that was cool. He also is in the home ward with Lindsey Stirling and knows her whole family. 

Love you all! 

Friday, July 10, 2015

Monday, July 6, 2015

Week 30

Hello All,
I am getting transfered tomorrow! To Sparks, NV to an allllll Spanish area! WOoooo. I will miss my friends in Carson, but it will be nice to be in an all Spanish area. My new address is:

Elder Caleb Quinton
480 Milroy Lane
Sparks, Nevada 89431

Elder Baker is my new companion. 
We met the new president! he is a pretty cool guy, named President Chesnut. One of my favorite investigators gave me a sweet compliment, he told me that one of the reasons he really likes me is because he can tell how much I care about the people. I'm super friendly and he said I make him feel like family. So that was pretty sweet! :) 

Independence day was pretty sweet! its been fun. We had a baptism on independence day. That was super cool. I dont have too much to say this week because I am leaving. Tons I need to do. packing galoreeeeeee! It has been a great week though. 
Elder Quinton!

 Went on exchanges with Elder Leon, Super funny and very cool guy! You can tell!

President and Sister Chestnut


Sunday, July 5, 2015

Week 29

Hello Everyone,                           

                Last week of the transfer starts today! Who knows if I'm staying or going. President Hermansen leaves tomorrow and we get our new president. So crazy!

I am starting to get tired of hearing Mariache bands haha! 

One of our investigators, she was in the hospital and went into a coma 3 times. She had to have 3 blood transfusion and her blood is O- which is very rare. Her 14 year old son gave her blood 3 times it was intense. She is doing a lot better now though. 

We had pretty much every single lesson we had planned fall through this past week. It was a rough week. We are back at the shufelts! 

I went on exchanges with Elder Leon on saturday into his area. It was such an amazing day. We talked to tons of people. Probably the most spiritual day I've had as a missionary though. For both elder Leon and myself. We both felt really guided by the Lord. I think one of the differences was since I didn't really know the people, I had to really keep in tune with the spirit to follow what it said instead of what I would say. Or something like that I'm not sure. It was great though. One thing I've learned is that you have to really just focus on the doctrine of commandments and that type of thing to help people to understand better. 

I received a big letter from the primany (small children for those of you that aren't members of the church) that was pretty cool. They drew me pictures it was super cute! 

I don't have much to say for the week, love you all! 
Elder Quinton