Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Week 24

Great News, I am staying in Carson City for another transfer WOOOO! :) I didn't want to leave it to my companion anyways.. He's offended a lot of members and investigators because he's a bit over aggressive . At church everyone told me I better not be transfered and that they wanted me to be the missionary leader in the area and how I'm  friendly and care alot about them etc etc. He wasnt there, we were on splits. Kind of sad though that he doesn't care if he offends people. 

We had such a good week though. filled with sweet fun stories as well. 
Crazy story. We were walking and stuff and I was like man there is a rock in my shoe it felt like I was getting poked with a rock, for like an hour. So I finally took off my shoe to take it out. A NAIL was through my shoe. and it was over an inch long! So I was like CRAPPPP and it was covered in rust. Take off my sock. Not a scratch or cut at all it was definitely a miracle. 

We were talking to this really cool guy who used to be a boxer/gangster. We started talking about guns. He showed me his Springfield XDM's and then was like well if anyone bothers you man just let me know and we can take care of it. It was crazy. Hes a really nice guy though. He was making a joke, but it was funny. 

Its been raining allllll week. Its been crazy here. We were asked to move someone when it was puring rain and I was in the back of a truck loading everything in. 

One of our members looks like he would be a doctor in a spanish soap opera its so funny. I'll send a picture. 
We've had so many really good lessons this week though its been cool. Not a whole lot of time to talk about them. 
at exercise in the morning we were playing soccer and I kicked the ball really hard, right as a sister put her foot in front of the ball. I literally swept her off her feet LOL. She was laughing though. So it was all good. 

Another funny story. Soooo.. We were talking to these latino guys and they liked us a lot. Enough so that they invited us to a private strip club party in their back room and we were like uhmmmmm We cant go. So then they were like dude I'll take you to one then on your day off! It was funny. Silly people. Lots of people in my district and zone are switching. 
Have a good week.


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