Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Week 21

 Things in Carson are still great! My companion and I are killin' it. Elder Gallini has been teaching me a lot. We've been having upward of 40 lessons weekly. We have several people who agreed to be baptized and have dates to be.
One of our investigators texted us last night saying she wish she could get baptized so that was kind of funny haha!

We got "big brother" devices installed in our cars this past week. They are the worst. The idea behind them is of course really good. It talks to us. It will tell us to check our speed, agressive driving for example, if you drive over a bump at more than 10 mph, which sucks because there are TONS of dips in carson and you cant see them half the time until youre about 15 feet in front of it. the struggle man.. ;) Its okay though my comp hates it. We have to log into it with a special card and everything. When the system was getting tested, the guy used my card and logged on apparently! He was like "dont worry I only gave you a few infractions" 

We had a really interesting experience this past week. We were reading 3 Nephi 11 with angel's mom and she started crying like crazy and she prayed to see if she could be baptized. She said she felt the spirit and knew she needed to be. and thennnnn she was like. But I'm Catholic so no I'm not going to be. She doesn't go to church or anything. I find it very interesting though most of the people over here are Catholics and most don't go to church or even believe in the Catholic church. And they refuse to be baptized etc etc. I just think its really interesting is all. 

I went on exchanges this past week with a new elder named Elder Leon and he is super cool. Hes been in the states for 1 year on a mission for 3 weeks. He is super great though. We had a really good time together. Taught 10 lessons that day too! *high fives self* :) 

Im starting to get that classic watch tan line. Its been 80s most of last week. 

More of a short email this week. Im sure that there are lots of funny stories I could tell butttttttttttt thats okay. I dont have much time this week. 
Elder Quinton

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