Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Week 20

It was raining several days this past week. A little thunder even, it was nice. Reminded me of the good ol' northwest. My shoulder is finally better, I can start doing push ups again. This is the shoulder that I hurt when I fell into that counter top 2 weeks ago when I passed out. Whoops! :) 

I got my hair cut for the first time professionally! I have a picture of that somewhere. 
Everyone always thinks I'm 18 when they see me. Everyone thinks my companion is 25, he's 19. 

On Saturday we had 8 people at our English class. Most people so far wooooo! Someone there had just come from California with his girlfriend. Her ex husband she had just left was.. Well very abusive and almost killed her. Her current boyfriend she had met online and they had talked a little and then when she told him about her ex husband, he DROVE  from Wisconsin. to California, to get her and take her and her two kids away. Keep in mind they had never met in person. They got to Carson City where I am and looked up the local LDS church because he was a member for 24 years and she wasnt religious at all. Just so happens as they get to the church we are about to start our english class. They are latino. boom. new investigator! That was pretty cool. We taught them last night, midway through the lesson I felt like I needed to ask Ernesto if he wanted a blessing. Ernesto is a member we brought with us he's awesome. He recently has been coming back to church and wants to go to the temple and whatnot. He is 28 and  was inactive for years. He was so excited he said he hadn't had one in years. He is great though! thats all for now kids!
Elder Quinton

                                                A VW bug made into a spider

the new comp Elder Gallini

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