Monday, April 20, 2015

Week 19

 Hello All!
Things are going great for me! My new companion is great we've been having a lot of success. He's from Texas. He has a Texas flag hanging above his bed, a jar of Texas soil below the bed, tons of Texas stuff its pretty funny. Aly (my sister in law) would just love him haha! 

Elder Gallini is super funny though. He told me one of the days that he wants to take pictures with every pretty girl he sees. Hes a really good missionary though. This past week we hit the highest numbers we ever have. The district (5 companionships) had 165 lessons total. of that my comp and I had almost 50 of them. Which the closest I've ever seen to that was 36. We've had a lot of success. Definitely as an obedient and diligent missionary you can tell based on our days. Also we got 20 new investigators this week which is unheard of. 

Had an interesting comp study this past week we were talking about families and what constitutes what people would call a "fairy tail" family. We decided it was a families diligence to follow the commandments. If you think about it though it is pretty true. 

We got invited to a quincenera this past week! It's in a month though. One of our less actives, we met her daughter (who accepted being baptized by the way) they were practicing doing their dance and my former companion had recalled that I had done dance before and so he told them that and then they wanted help haha... I was like welllll I can give you tips butttttt I'm not supposed to dance while i'm a missionary. It was cool though. Jackie (the daughter) is the sister of the girl Janet who the first time we met her started crying after she prayed and said she felt the spirit . Except the next time we went over there they had a "random" question for us and asked if we could date non mormons (if mormons in general could) sooooo that was interesting. Hopefully they aren't getting the wrong idea there. 

Since my previous companion has left I have found out that several people really did not like him. Investigators and members a like. Thought that was really interesting. buttttttt oh well. No ones perfect but he was a good missionary over all. 

We went to a baptism this past week and it was 2 people in their late 20s and then a daughter that was 3 (she wasnt baptized of course) but as her mom was about to be baptized the daughter screamed "NO MOMMY DON'T DROWN!!!!" it was so funny. 

ileana (lilly) that girl who I confirmed a member of the church two weeks ago we talked to her about doing a baby blessing for her son and she wants to. She said she thinks she wants me to do that. Every one always asks me to do the blessings and stuff haha! Its ridiculous (but cool) I mean I havent done most of those things so more experience for me right? 

I am unsure of what else to say. The days start to blend together though. Every week seems to pass way quick. 
Love you all!
Elder Quinton

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