Monday, April 13, 2015

Week 18

 Hello all!
Tons of things happened this week it was such a productive week. We got 10 new investigators! Normally we get likeeeeeee 3. 
Remember last week how I said no one wanted to do an easter egg hunt? yea. They suprised myself and Sis. Pearson. It was legittttttt. I will send pictures of it! :) 

Speaking of Sister Pearson, her and my companion Elder Arellano are both getting transfered! The district actually has a ton of changes but those are the only 2 that I've mentioned before that you guys might possibly remember. I am getting someone whose been out almost 1 year. I cant remember his name but i've heard some really good things about him. 

One of the sister missionaries (Sis. Christensen) told me that she had a dream that I found a girl while I was a missionary. I was like oh WOW. Speaking of her! She is training Sister Barker WHO! I have talked with before. She is from D.C. and was in a ward my little sister Kali served in in October when she got her mission call to my mission. So that is pretty cool. 

We went to an investigators house looking for her and ended up talking to her daughter instead who we had never met. apparently shes been having some problems in her life lately though. Started talking about prayer. We taught her to pray so she did. Said amen, she looked up said "I felt that" and just started crying it was super cool! 

Kind of funny story, I met a lady the other day and she asked if I was from Cardsten Alberta! I was like" no but my grandpa is from there why do you ask?" apparently she knows a lot of Quintons there. small world eh? I suppose I am related to them. 

Another funny story, I passed out hard yesterday. I was fasting right... and we went to this guys house and he started telling us in detail about several of his heard surgeries, etc etc. I was doing real good at first. Butttttttttt since I didnt have any food or water It didn't help. Classic Caleb. Passing out over gory stories. Anyways so he's towards the end of the story and I started getting light headed and I was like Im super sorry but.. I NEED TO SIT DOWN NOW! and he didnt realize my urgency but he started walking to get a chair, I followed one step and that was the last thing I remember of my eyes being open. I crashed into a sharp corner with my shoulder which hurt. I somehow walked across the whole kitchen though but I don't remember doing it. But I am good! :) I ate right after that. made me feel loads better. 

Thats all for now! 
Elder Quinton

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