Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Week 22

Not a whole lot has happened this past week so this won't be too long I dont think. 
I was at a members house eating dinner though and I saw something that made me laugh, it was a count down timer until Obama is out of office haha! Apparently its a thing in Nevada, I've learned lots of people around here don't like him. Anyways though. 

We had zone conference this past week. We all have to prepare talks and 2 people are called on to give their talk. I saw the presidents program because he had it sitting there open for all to see and I was like SWEET I dont have to speak! Then right as the meeting is starting I see him start changing the program and looks right at me and I was like looks like I'm speaking now. Sureeeeeee enough I did haha. I had woken up that night too at like 3 am and had several thoughts and completely changed my talk so I thought I would be giving a talk. 

At zone conference I took notes and this is what I liked the most: 
"Satan doesn't have to tempt us to do bad things, he can simply keep us occupied by doing acceptable things to distract us from what we should be doing" Elder Richard G. Scott

We brought a non member out with us to a lesson this past week as well ! He is married to a member and has been investigating the church for like 15 years. We brought him to a person who is in the exact same boat. Married a member and investigating for 15 years and that lesson went super well. In it Andy (I've talked about him before) said that he doesn't care how our church started or anything like that the fact is, is that it is the only church in the entire world that actually works. with the support system and all that type of thing. I read another really good talk this past week you guys should definitely read. it is called: What is the Blue Print of Christ's Church? - Elder Tad. R. Callister

Another interesting experience we had was we met with a less active who is a native american and she was telling us that the reason she joined the church is because in her tribe they told stories that were hand in hand with the things in the Book of the Mormon. That was interesting to me. 

Funny story of the week this past week I forgot my electric shaver in the other bathroom (where my comp was showering) so I decided to use my razor and for some reason I decided not to use shaving cream or water or anything. Straight up dry shave. WORST mistake. my skin got super irritated. and this is where it gets funny, part way through the day it literally looked like I hadn't shaved my mustache and so I looked like a pedo for part of the day because of the about awkward haha!! Several people commented on it too. 

Elder Quinton

Borrowed the Sister's Library key...Accidently suspended in Jello

Matching the little statue

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