Monday, May 18, 2015

Week 23

Hello all!
To start this week off, I would like to tell a story. 
I received a love letter from one of our investigators. She is 18. At church yesterday she slipped a note into my bag (not sure when.. but it had to of been during church). Suffice to say, we will be handing her off to other missionaries now LOL! Not sure she really thought the note through though.... Oh well it was pretty funny. Sucks though because wellllll, she is going to be baptized in like 2 weeks or so.  

At zone training an Elder said something super funny that rhymes. Here it is:
"The book is blue (Book of Mormons that we hand out as missionaries are blue), the church is true, just as Jesus cause he's Mormon too. 

I died of laughter.
 We got trained to be ESL teachers this past week for teaching english. 

Another funny story, One of the members of the church, she came out with us the other day. She doesn't speak very good English, but she came out and then we found out that she skipped the dinner appointment she had made with the Sisters to come out with us hahahaha! They had talked to her that morning and everything lol. 

One of our investigators, Jacky, asked us if she gets baptized if she could go on a mission. that was super cool, she's a daughter of a less active member of the church. 

We had a dessert auction in our ward. Some members sponsored us and said we could use 100 bucks. We bid on this lemon pound cake and another person went to $105. The lady who sponsored us looked at us and then was like "$150!" it was super crazy. It tasted delicious though. 

Another investigator named Kristy, she's friends with a family here and her parents took her to church again and they asked us what would she need to do to get baptized, that was awesome. she's getting baptized in 2 weeks lol. 

Love you all!
Elder QUinton

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