Monday, March 30, 2015

Week 16

 Well suffice to say, I have lots of pictures to send soon. I took about.. 100 or so? Last week on pday we went hiking like normal. So that was pretty fun! My district was laughing so hard at my companion and I, they saw the non missionary elder Quinton for about 5 minutes doing a photo shoot ;) hahaha nah. It was hilarious though.
Lots of great stories this week though! One of the Less actives we teach, Scott, we found out he "eloped!" kind of. His girlfriend is also less active but they have been coming the last 2 months. anddddddddddd this past friday, He called up the bishop (Scott actually converted the bishop right after he got home from his mission which is cool ) and was like hey can you come over and marry us? The Bishop was like Ill be there in 5 minutes!!! So that was super cool, were excited for them. 

Our friend Pinky that we visit pretty often who has lung cancer among other things has been getting really excited to see us lately. He pretty much waits out side watching for us or looking out his window for us its great. 

We did a "Fun run" as a zone on friday to commemorate the end to our 90 day health challenge that was basically eat good food, exercise, drink water, wake up on time, etc. It was a 5k which is a little over 3 miles. Miraculously I made it! I definitely did not run the whole time. I ran likeeeeee.. 1/2 the time. One of the sisters in my district and elders I stayed with them the whole time so that made it more enjoyable. 

One of our latina investigators is trying to hook me up with her daughter that lives in vegas. She doesnt seem to get that I'm not interested. hahahaha 

One of our investigators got baptised on Saturday! Techinically it was the sister missionaries baptism, we began teaching her first and then she moved to their area and then she moved back to ours but we let them keep teaching her. We didnt baptise her, but she asked if I would confirm her so I did that yesterday. This is Lilly, the girl that about... 2 months ago was in jail overnight and then we stopped by 20 minutes after she got out of jail and she was like THIS IS A SIGN FROM GOD! so that was cool. 

Cool picture I've seen before but hadn't in awhile called "Under His Wing" by Jay Bryant. Its a picture of a little girl standing under the arm of Jesus. Look it up! 

After the baptism we went to Andy's shop (Andy the one who I said last week that he told his wife hes always known that God wanted him to take her to the temple).. and ohhhhh my goodness.. Man status shop. First of all he has 2 mustangs, 2 BMW's, 3 Harleys. tons and tons of tools. and then he has this walk in vault with the name "WAR ROOM" with the USA seal on it. So he takes me in there and it kid you not is an armory. easily 80-100 guns. and thats just the guns. He had body armor, knives, tazers, tons of that type of stuff. It was legit. 

Another funny story we were at our friend Byrons house. He speaks spanish. He was grilling ribs so we were talking to them and this little american kid who is probably 6 came up and Bryon asked if he wanted one and he was like YES!! and then byrons son Harold was like do you want to try some hot sauce? the kid says sure why not. Harold takes the cap off the top and hands it to the kid, and HE STARTED DRINKING IT!!!! and we all just bust up laughing and then like 5 seconds later the kid is like WOW that is super hot! it was great. 

well thats all kids! :) 
Elder Quinton


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Week 15

Hello! :)
Things are going a little bit better here. Still struggles with the comp, but such is life. I myself am doing well though! 

Funny stories that happened hmmmm. Well! Last p-day we had a zone activity and we did a BBQ and played sports. I was "juggling" a soccer ball and someone kicked it at me and I tapped it up into the air and it was a little out of control buttttttttt. It was hilarious. It landed right on top of elder Shearers plate that he had just sat his hamburger and food on. He was standing and it knocked the plate right out of his hand. It was pretty funny. 

Theres a really cool "mormon message" I saw the other day called Hope of Gods Light. It is super good, look it up! :) 

The spanish sisters, my companion and I started an english class this past week. I taught this past saturday. anddddddddd They all decided that I was a really good teacher and that I should do it all the time. Whether that be the truth or they just dont want to have to do it thats okay. Ill choose to think the first one ;) 

Remember like two weeks or so ago when I said that I broke my chair that i study in? Sooooo.. I broke a second one. except it wasnt my fault. My companion likes to poke me and well as you may know im not ticklish at all, BUT i hate getting poked. So decided to start attacking me and it pushed my chair backwards and then it sort of started into a wrestling match which well. I won big time. I stood up and went to sit in my chair and sure enough, it was completely broken. I was like are you kidding me! haha. 

I ate my first twinkie ever this past week? kind of.. well.. gross lol. 

Those that know me decently well know I like to talk in rather funny voices sometimes. It is entertaining for me. So I have been doing that a little bit sometimes with spanish. When I am reading spanish sometimes I read in really funny voices and on rare occasions, I sing it in operatic voices, it is very.. nice.. ;) whats sad though is that my accent is better in those voices than in real life! 

We started running to the church building in the mornings to go to our exercise thing. Its about... 1.5 miles away which isnt too far. Butttttttttt for an oldie like me.. ;) It was good. my legs have been killing me though. ive hard to take it easy a couple of days until I get in better shape. 

Started pouring down rain yesterday. I saw the clouds and could tell that it would start raining so I mentioned it and no one believed me. Sure enough 30 minutes later it started raining. I know my clouds being frmo washington and all. 

One of our spanish families, Sister Lopez told me to tell you all hello for her. She wanted to see my family so I showed her pictures. She wants her son to marry my sister Kemi! Better look out sis ;) 

Love you all. 
Elder Quinton


Monday, March 16, 2015

Week 14

Good Afternoon!!

Last pday we went on a 2 mile hike after I emailed everyone. At the top of the hike (well as far as we went at least) it was at about 6500 feet andddddddd there was snow. district snowball fight it was awesome. It got pretty intense. I have a picture of my companion and one of our sister missionaries snowball fighting its great. However I also got some pictures of just myself as well soooo pictures will come in an hour or so! 

Our week was so busy this past week. man. We had a TON of lessons. I was supposed to sing in sacrament with Sister Pearson this past week, but my throats been pretty swollen so its difficult to talk let alone sing. So we post poned it for a couple weeks. We had some really powerful lessons this past week though in regards to lessons on the temple. 

I have a talk that all of you cool kids should look up. It is super good. It is called "Unleashing the Dormant spirit" by F. Enzio Busche. it was from 1995 BYU devotional. 

One of the powerful lessons I was speaking about the husband isnt a member, wife is. Ivfe mentioned him before his name is Andy. Hes been in law enforcement and military his whole life but hes nothing like the stereo type that comes with those fields. hes the guy that said he would read the BOM when the first week i was here after telling tons of sets of other missionaries that he wouldnt. for the past like 15 years. ANYWAYS> we talked about temples. and it was really strong as it was and then We were like "andy, god never intended just a normal marriage for you. He's always intended for you to have an eternal marriage etc etc" and he just started crying and said that he knew and that he has always known he would take her there someday. It was so cool! :) 

Every morning we play some kind of sport anddddddddd this past week we played basketball like 5 times... I was dying. I mean I dont mind basketball butttttttt definitely not the biggest fan. Only like 3 of our 8 like basketball. Sooooooo thennnnnn we did something else. like.. soccer.. :-) speaking of which my legs dont feel very happy with me lately. Ive gone to the Chiropractor a few times to get help with my back. and its helped a little bit. 

I bought heavy duty tubes from my bike tires. Very glad I did too. Before i installed them while we were riding bikes.. well.. I got a flat tire and my comp did at the same time and we had just barely bought the new tubes not 30 minutes before. so that was funny. 

Good Afternoon!!
Went to a chinese restaurant this past saturday with some members and the spanish sisters. I got the fortune "a pleasant suprise is in store for you tonight" and everyone laughed really hard about that. So later that night im laying in bed and my comp is about to get into his bed and i was like. soooooo... whats my suprise? we laughed about it for an hour it was great. I also fell really good playing soccer on saturday. I was trying to be careful and not run into the sister missionaries and there was 3 so I was dribbling the ball between them and I tripped over my own foot and man. right on my tail bone. It doesnt feel good haha so sore!. 

Yesterday we went to an investigators house and her direct tv was out and so she was trying to trouble shoot what the lady on the phone told her to do but her english isnt very good so she asked for one of us to help. The investigator doesnt speak good english I mean. So i take the phone. do what she says then have to wait a few minutes for it to reboot so I started talking to her. Sure enough she was based in Idaho Falls and was mormon so that was pretty funny. 

Then we were passing a house and my comp was like i recognize this house so we stopped by and it wasnt who he thought it was going to be. That person had moved out but this guy was an ex communicated mormon who is trying really hard to regain his membership. He is from Katy Texas. And i was like hey i had 3 roommates from there when i was going to BYU Idaho! sure enough he knew them all. it was super cool. 

Anyways thats all happy St. Patricks day! ;) 
Elder Quinton


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Week 13

Hello all!

Hows it going? Man, daylight savings was difficult. I've been tired like crazyyyy. I think I am a little sick too though, which doesn't help. My throat is sore and my tonsils are a little swollen which has sucked. I went to the Chiropractor this past Monday because my back has been killing me which has been making my legs hurt worse than normal so that's been great! But it is a little better. I have another appointment today. 
Last Monday I bought a huge thing of fruit smiles and 2 bags of the "fave red" star burst jelly beans and I ate it all in like two day. It was delicious. My companion was like elder stop! and so he asked the Spanish sister missionaries and he was like doesn't he need to not eat so many fruit snacks? and one was like "well I love this type of fruit snack from Walmart called fruit smiles" and I was like SHE GETS IT because I hadn't even told her what type I was eating. Then he did the same thing with the jelly beans and when I said what type they were they both agreed they were delicious. 

I popped my bike tire this past week, whoops! I fixed it and then it went flat again. there was like 4 holes in it it sucked lol. But it is officially better! 

Every morning we always play basketball or soccer or frisbee or something and some of the people the other day wanted to do basketball some wanted to do soccer so we did both. half on one side half on the other. it was 5 people doing soccer. I was on the 2 person team because well. I'm by far the best player there. Not that im amazing or something Id consider myself pretty good, but everyone else just isn't that good. So it was super unfair with 2 v 3. so they wanted to do all 4 of them v. Me andddddddd I still won. They didn't score at all. it was funny. I felt pretty cool. 

I have a Spanish joke! Que hace el Pez? nada! hahahaha. in English the joke is what does the fish do? the answer doesn't make sense in English. Nada (comes from the word nadar (which means to swim) ) and then nada also means nothing. It was funny. 

I saw a license plate this past week with my cats name on it. Epona. Which isn't a common name at all, so I took a picture. 

I found out another reason why my comp has been really easy to get mad at me. He hates that so many things like talking to people comes naturally to me. Not a good reason to get mad at me, but oh well. This week actually went really well though! our lesson amount doesn't show that it went well but it did. Not to mention I don't think any of it just came naturally, I learned just like anyone else can learn to do something. 

Another funny story. My comp sometimes will talk to me off the side of the bed (I'm on the bottom bunk he's on the top) while i'm trying to sleep. He asked if I could pop his back and I was like heck no i'm trying to sleep man. And he kept calling me Perezozo which means lazy. I was like if you don't stop I'm going to pull you off the bed. Well he didn't believe I would so ten minutes later he's still doing it. Its 11pm now. and so I put my feet between the bars of the upper bunk under the mattress and pushed. really hard. :) It was really hilarious though he sure wasn't expecting me to do that! He didn't get hurt though he caught himself. well.. he landed on his feet is what I should say. 

Well that is all for now! Enjoy your weeks :) 
Elder Quinton

Monday, March 2, 2015

Week 12

Hello! :)

Last pday we went to Virginia City, which is an old mining town, it is built on gold and silver mines that were shut down, when I think it was WW2 started. It was pretty cool though we did a tour of one of the mines, I'll send out some pictures after this! I am staying in Carson for at least one more transfer! (transfers are tomorrow). My companion and I went with the spanish sisters, and then a less active who has been coming back to church recently. 

We have talked to several cool people this past week one is a less active who just started coming back to church (my comp and his old comp tried to meet with them a ton and they had no luck but he is coming back to church now) and his girlfriend is coming as well and their daughter who is ten. He is super good at guitar and is apparently in a band. 

Another less active we meet with, he is 88 and had surgery like 2 months ago. He was a jeweler and showed us his equipment and that type of thing that was awesome he used to have a bunch of famous celebrities as his clients when he was younger and still practiced. He also showed us his gun collection with was well.. HUGE. He has 20 some odd pistols and a bunch of other stuff. 

My comp and I cover a really big area, we cover 3 smaller towns in Spanish and then an English ward in Carson. The sister missionaries who cover the 3 small towns in English have been having little to no success over there, like 10 lessons in a week. So my companion and i went over there 3 days and found them like 10 referrals! It was quite exciting for them. 

My companion and I continue to struggle but are still working out our differences. I don't want to dwell on the bad though haha.

We had a really inspired day this past week though. I felt like we should go to a less actives house who we go to sometimes and I'm glad we did because her husband went into the ER and then was transferred to the Reno hospital because he is very sick. He has lung cancer and somehow got pneumonia and we stopped by right after she got home and she was having a really difficult time and you know, like missionaries we have special messages that help people so that was awesome. Similar experience later that night with someone else as well. . 

Funny story of the week I broke my study chair. I sat in it, and the chairs leg bent and broke I was like are you kidding me I don't even weigh that much!!! So I told the lady who we live with and she was like well my husband was standing on that chair last night to check the smoke detector and well hes too big to be standing on something like that (hes a bigger guy) so I guess I didn't break it but it was still super funny. 

It snowed like 4 inches! After working out in the morning we walked outside and ended up doing a snowball fight, I will get the pics from my comp for next weeks pictures. It was a lot of fun though. 

Lots more I could say but until next week! Enjoy! 
Elder Quinton