Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Week 97


We've had another really long week of knocking on tons and tons of doors haha. It was good though. Thats basically just what we've been doing a lot lately. We are trying to find new people to teach. We found tons but most weren't interested so we stopped visiting them. 
Oliva, who is getting baptized soon (shes 62) told us her family (her kids especially) have told her basically that they don't want anything to do for her if she joins our church, to the extent that her youngest son was like. my birthday is tomorrow and youre not invited to the party. and he literally lives right next door. So that was really sad and very dramatic of her family. She wants to change and be better and they are content with wasting away their lives. She told us She met some missionaries in our church several years ago in california and she always has known she needed to get baptized in our church since then so that was super cool. She told us she is going to get baptized anyways and that its sad they will do that but she knows its the right thing. We also read Matthew 19:29 with her which comforted her some. Shes awesome. It was really inspiring to hear how strong her faith is and her courage.
Then there is Melo, that guy we started teaching alst week he is also super solid. He asked us to get baptized and will be getting baptized on Nov. 12th. I dont think i've ever met someone that wasnt a member that really realized just how important our message is. Its pretty cool to see. Every time we teach him he is like WOWWWW is that right am i understanding this correctly? when he started reading the BOM and we told him its a story of his ancestors (he's from mexico and is a native down there) he told us hes always heard stories about what were in the Book Of Mormon and how he knew it as true. so that was pretty sweet lol. he also has been sharing what hes learned with his friends and calling his family in mexico to read the Book of Mormon with them. 

'Also we had a nice suprise this past week. Some missionaries here in Elko texted me calling me by my first name and said that Tyler Cody, someone ive been friends with basically my whole life, had ran into them (hes here selling alarm systems) and they said what mission they were in and he asked if they knew elder quinton and they were like. yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hes here in Elko. So that was cool. 
pics: found the "man van" as it says. 
Tyler and I

Elder Quinton

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