Thursday, October 13, 2016

Week 95


We had a great Week! Roberto got baptized by Rene who was baptized 2 months ago, it was pretty awesome. 
I was in different areas for 3 days thouh this past week. I was with my zone leader, Elder Hawkes who is awesome and then I was on the road 5ish hour drive to Reno for a leadership conference for 2 days. It was fun. I was able to see a lot of friends and whatnot so that was great! :) 
I got thrown under he bus metaphorically this past week. It was funny though. I did a baptismal interview and the girl afterwards said how my companion and I are super opposite and how he's always cracking jokes and I'm more serious (which is false), but I just was like well since I'm in leadership I am tring to be a little more serious and whatnot and my companion was just like. "yea OKAY you crack jokes all day long!" hahaha it was funny. 
On the way to Reno, it was one of my zone leaders birthdays. We went to lunch with them and we asked the waitress in spanish if they could do something for his birthday. then they put a sombrero on him it was so funny. then at dinner that night we went to texas road house and I got the waitress to do something. he sat on a saddle and had to swing a napkin like it was a lasso and she said if he stopped she would start the song over hahahahahaha. THEN. the next day on the way back from Reno we stopped at Wingers for dinner and I secretly got the waitress to do something. she put a chiken hat on him and they all sang. he was so mad hahahahahaha :) it was hioarous though. I've never heard of a misisonary ever having so much birthday wishes in one day ;) 

Pics: I saw elder Leon! I stayed the night with him then I went to sparks. 
baptism. our recent convert and the guy getting baptized. 
Dinner at Wingers. the elder right next to me is the one thats birthday it was :) 
we keep hearing all these weird stories about clowns.. so.. I saw one and took a picture ;) 

Elder Quinton

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