Thursday, October 13, 2016

Week 93

Sept 26,2016

We had a pretty good week overall! We found a lot of new people to teach. We found a lot of people to teach. Currently my companion and I are leading the mission with finding new people to teach which is pretty cool. I guess it just comes down to actually going out and spending the time to find people. and talking to people you see. Its been good though. 
We had a lot of really strange things happen this past week. 
Our recent convert, Rene, hes been doing awesome. He is looking for a wife hahaha. He really wants to go get married in the temple. 
My companion, Elder Denton, and I taught the "gospel doctrine" class, it was basically about the pride cycle that is found in the scriptures. For those that have zero idea what I'm talking about basically it's just when people are doing good things and the Lord blesses them because of their obedience, they start to get prideful and think the blessings are because of their own strength and not god given. Then they start to be really wicked and do lots of things, forgetting God. Then they start to suffer and often times in the scriptures be destroyed ,whether it be by natural disasters sent by God or in War. Then the people start to turn back to god because they see they are about to be destroyed , life is hard , they become desperate and then they start to repent and turn back to god etc. It's an on going process in the scriptures, its pretty interesting. 

Elder Quinton

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