Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Week 97


We've had another really long week of knocking on tons and tons of doors haha. It was good though. Thats basically just what we've been doing a lot lately. We are trying to find new people to teach. We found tons but most weren't interested so we stopped visiting them. 
Oliva, who is getting baptized soon (shes 62) told us her family (her kids especially) have told her basically that they don't want anything to do for her if she joins our church, to the extent that her youngest son was like. my birthday is tomorrow and youre not invited to the party. and he literally lives right next door. So that was really sad and very dramatic of her family. She wants to change and be better and they are content with wasting away their lives. She told us She met some missionaries in our church several years ago in california and she always has known she needed to get baptized in our church since then so that was super cool. She told us she is going to get baptized anyways and that its sad they will do that but she knows its the right thing. We also read Matthew 19:29 with her which comforted her some. Shes awesome. It was really inspiring to hear how strong her faith is and her courage.
Then there is Melo, that guy we started teaching alst week he is also super solid. He asked us to get baptized and will be getting baptized on Nov. 12th. I dont think i've ever met someone that wasnt a member that really realized just how important our message is. Its pretty cool to see. Every time we teach him he is like WOWWWW is that right am i understanding this correctly? when he started reading the BOM and we told him its a story of his ancestors (he's from mexico and is a native down there) he told us hes always heard stories about what were in the Book Of Mormon and how he knew it as true. so that was pretty sweet lol. he also has been sharing what hes learned with his friends and calling his family in mexico to read the Book of Mormon with them. 

'Also we had a nice suprise this past week. Some missionaries here in Elko texted me calling me by my first name and said that Tyler Cody, someone ive been friends with basically my whole life, had ran into them (hes here selling alarm systems) and they said what mission they were in and he asked if they knew elder quinton and they were like. yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hes here in Elko. So that was cool. 
pics: found the "man van" as it says. 
Tyler and I

Elder Quinton

Week 96


I am staying in Elko for my last transfer! Elder Denton and I are staying together. I had the opportunity to train at a zone conference this past week. 
Oliva gets baptized in 2 weeks! She told us she woke up in the middle of the night a couple times and she was praying really hard if she should get baptized and she said she saw a really bright light (she literally lives in the middle of no where) and she said she thought she was imagining it so she went back to sleep and then when she woke up an hour later asked the same question and the same thing happened. 
We found another guy this past week named Melo that is really cool and asked us if he can get baptized in our church so that was cool. 
We, the missionaries, did a 10 minute plank work out that I have (that is literally 10 minutes of different planking positions) and that was fun. 
Weve been knocking on so many doors this past week. its been exhausting haha. 
We were knocking on an inactives door and as we were walking away we saw this drunk guy passed out (it was like 3pm) and sitting in a chair by the back of the house under a covered area so i dared my companion to go put a word of wisdom pamphlet on his lap. as he went up to do it the guy woke up. Turns out its a guy we know. He said he can stop drinking any time he wants and he had no idea where he was. So we told him he should pour out his alcohol he was holding and he did which was cool. Then like an hour later we got another guy to do the same thing haha! 
We got a new branch presidency here. Turns out the new branch president, Wayne Beckstead, went to college with my aunt haha! small world. 
pics: we saw this on the wall and took a picture with it. 
my companion eating a chicken foot hahaha

Elder Quinton

Thursday, October 13, 2016

                                                   MLC  Mission Leadership Conference

Week 95


We had a great Week! Roberto got baptized by Rene who was baptized 2 months ago, it was pretty awesome. 
I was in different areas for 3 days thouh this past week. I was with my zone leader, Elder Hawkes who is awesome and then I was on the road 5ish hour drive to Reno for a leadership conference for 2 days. It was fun. I was able to see a lot of friends and whatnot so that was great! :) 
I got thrown under he bus metaphorically this past week. It was funny though. I did a baptismal interview and the girl afterwards said how my companion and I are super opposite and how he's always cracking jokes and I'm more serious (which is false), but I just was like well since I'm in leadership I am tring to be a little more serious and whatnot and my companion was just like. "yea OKAY you crack jokes all day long!" hahaha it was funny. 
On the way to Reno, it was one of my zone leaders birthdays. We went to lunch with them and we asked the waitress in spanish if they could do something for his birthday. then they put a sombrero on him it was so funny. then at dinner that night we went to texas road house and I got the waitress to do something. he sat on a saddle and had to swing a napkin like it was a lasso and she said if he stopped she would start the song over hahahahahaha. THEN. the next day on the way back from Reno we stopped at Wingers for dinner and I secretly got the waitress to do something. she put a chiken hat on him and they all sang. he was so mad hahahahahaha :) it was hioarous though. I've never heard of a misisonary ever having so much birthday wishes in one day ;) 

Pics: I saw elder Leon! I stayed the night with him then I went to sparks. 
baptism. our recent convert and the guy getting baptized. 
Dinner at Wingers. the elder right next to me is the one thats birthday it was :) 
we keep hearing all these weird stories about clowns.. so.. I saw one and took a picture ;) 

Elder Quinton

Week 94

Oct 3rd, 2016

We had another great week! We had to do a lot of traveling this past week. 
We also will be this week too, I will be going back to Reno(sparks) for a leadership conference which is a 5ish hour drive. It will be good though. We had to drive to a  place called Wells which is 50 miles from the Utah boarder to do a baptismal interview for someone haha that was pretty funny. 
We moved one of our baptisms back 2 weeks because she wants her family there. Things have been going really well though. We have one baptism this week and then two a couple weeks later. We have lots we need to do today so I have hardly any time to email. have a great week! 

Elder Quinton

I knocked on Shiela's door randomly. and she was like ELDER QUINTON! I have to take a picture and send it to your mom! and I was like...wth? who is this? then she said her name and I was like ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh  haha. too funny. I toured her house, it's awesome. 
 we have like.. 30 minutes left.  we have to cut our email time today because we are going hiking in the canyon. 
You asked me about washing clothes, I've washed my clothes in our kitchen sink before because of how crummy the washers in these apartments are lol. the rest of the time members that love us do them . Super nice of them!

Week 93

Sept 26,2016

We had a pretty good week overall! We found a lot of new people to teach. We found a lot of people to teach. Currently my companion and I are leading the mission with finding new people to teach which is pretty cool. I guess it just comes down to actually going out and spending the time to find people. and talking to people you see. Its been good though. 
We had a lot of really strange things happen this past week. 
Our recent convert, Rene, hes been doing awesome. He is looking for a wife hahaha. He really wants to go get married in the temple. 
My companion, Elder Denton, and I taught the "gospel doctrine" class, it was basically about the pride cycle that is found in the scriptures. For those that have zero idea what I'm talking about basically it's just when people are doing good things and the Lord blesses them because of their obedience, they start to get prideful and think the blessings are because of their own strength and not god given. Then they start to be really wicked and do lots of things, forgetting God. Then they start to suffer and often times in the scriptures be destroyed ,whether it be by natural disasters sent by God or in War. Then the people start to turn back to god because they see they are about to be destroyed , life is hard , they become desperate and then they start to repent and turn back to god etc. It's an on going process in the scriptures, its pretty interesting. 

Elder Quinton