Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Week 83


We had a pretty solid week! We met a lady that had her kids baptized like 5 years ago that when she moved to Elko she didn't know there was a Mormon church here so she started going to the catholic church. We found her and she was super pumped to see us and she came to church with her kids and she wants to get baptized. It was super cool! 
We had 7 spanish investigators at church yesterday. 4 different families, it was legit. 
Also we got to speak in spanish sacrament because the high councilman didn't show up to speak so our branch president was like elders I need you help. So that was interesting haha. 
We had a lesson with jesse on 1 Nephi 8 , the vision of the tree of life. The next day we came back and he was like I had the strangest dream last night. It was basically the vision of the tree of life. I was standing in the darkness and there was an iron rod that I knew was close but I wasn't holding onto it etc etc he said it scared the heck out of him and he wanted to get to the tree. Which is ironic because well. Thats what he's been struggling with. reading his scriptures. So that was a nice miracle :) 
Also we got a referrral for a guy named Roberto that is super solid. We went to teach him and we were there for an hour and a half. He just kept asking tons of questions he wanted to know everything about the Book of Mormon and the restoration and then he kept asking more and whatnot. After we would explain something to him he would explain it back to us and ask if he had gotten it right it was super cool he was way exited for us to give him a book of mormon. He saw our church and just decided to go inside. He said he might be a member he remember he went there when he was a kid but in florida So we will have to check. He's awesome though. 
We will be moving out of the house we live in into an apartment probably this Friday. I don't have the address yet though. 
We had another 4 or so missionaries go home in the past couple weeks because of medical problems. crazy stuff. its sad though. 
Went to another investigators house, Evelia, and she told us that she's been thinking a lot about baptism and tithing. Tithing has been her major problem but clearly she had been thinking a lot about it, she brought it up the second we walked in the door. She said she wants to get baptized though so we set a date for that! 
We had tons of miracles honestly this past week. It was really cool! :) 
Last night at 1am my companion asked me the most random question. I was just lying there not able to sleep and he said "tomorrow do you want to make peoples names out of casings?" he was meaning like.. spent bullet casings and I was like what are you talking about man? are you sleeping? he said no. then he got silent. Asked him about it this morning. Turns out he was sleeping hahahaha it was super weird. he talks in his sleep pretty often though it cracks me up. 
 Have a good week!
Elder Quinton

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