Thursday, July 7, 2016

Week 81


Happy 4th of July! :) 
as said in the Book of Alma 61 (in the book of mormon)" the spirit of the Lord is the Spirit of Freedom. "

Last week we went with some members to one of the mines! That was super cool. I will send pictures. The big "dump trucks" weigh 400 tons and can hold 400 tons of stuff. Just to put that into perspective for you how massive the things are. 
For those that don't know I am serving as a spanish missionary but also in english right now in a ward so I cover a "branch" and a ward. The work in english has been super tough. Previous missionaries kept like zero records and did hardly any english work so we are having to work like crazy. We decided to switch up our teaching though because english hasnt shown too much success so we are going to be focusing on the ward itself and trying to go with people home teaching and meet with the other leaders to find out who in their quorums (elders, high priests, relief society, young women/mens) that they think would be more likely to come back to church. So far thats been super good actually. 
I found a 1$ bill on the ground WOOOO! :) it was only a one dollar bill.. but I dont think I've ever found money on the ground before so that was sweet. 
We were walking in the pouring rain in an area and this guy stopped his car and said hey I've been looking for you guys you need to talk to someone. So we followed him to his house. he just got a roommate who has been an inactive member for a little bit, he is 28 now and wants to get back into the church so that was legit! we were able to get his info and tell him when church was and whatnot. We sent the information to the misisonaries who cover that area but it was awesome. 
Saturday evening was awkward. We went to a less active members house right as their cat just got hit by a car and they didn't see it or hear it so we had to tell them their cat was dead. what's worse is their dog just got hit by a car 2 weeks ago.... that was rather sad , what can you do right? 


Elder Quinton
                                     mining trucks 400 tons each, and can hold another 400 tons!!

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