Sunday, June 5, 2016

Week 76


Things are going really well! We've found a bunch of inactive members of the church that aren't in the records here and they all wanted to come back to church so that was pretty sweet. 
It has rained more here in Elko in the month I've been here than its rained in my entire mission. it has rained probably like 10 times or so. maybe more. with lots of thunder and whatnot its been crazy. 
We have several people set for baptism in the next month and a half. We've been having quite a lot of success. We've been trying to do a lot of finding though/street contacting. This is probably the hardest time I've had doing it though because we are trying to get an English and a Spanish area going. That's been real tough. doing one area can be difficult but doing two is not very easy. We've been doing our best though. That's all we can do haha. 
We had zone conference this past week! We had 3 zones meet together for the mission president to come address us and whatnot. Towards the end there was a missionary or two that stood up that I was companions with probably... 9-12 months ago that were having a hard time at the time but man. now they are just awesome. It was super cool to see how much they have changed. 
Our most progressing investigator came to a baptismal service and I translated it into spanish for him so that was fun. I really enjoy translating. 
We basically went on a wild goose chase to find a referral that other missionaries gave to us. They had talked to a lady that was super interested they said. She was Spanish (our Spanish area is probably about... 3 or so hours from one side to the other. maybe longer, we cover 2 stakes. and there is a lot of sand and sagebrush between hahaha). So we get to the exit 30 miles away. then the GPS says to turn off the highway and go on this sketchy dirt rode for another 35 miles so we do and its just sand. and sagebrush. and antelope. we couldn't find her ......haha. to be continued......

Elder Quinton

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