Monday, June 27, 2016

Week 79


Hey happy late fathers day! :) 
 things are going well! For the most part overall things are good though. Sometimes it is rather difficult over here but for the most part things are good. 
funny moments of the week. Somehow a big wasp got into our basement where we live. no idea how. but we spent 20 minutes carefully trying to hit him. We made him very very angry hahaha. I finally did him in with a bottle full of bleach and then my comp smashed him. 
We had a recent convert come out with us to a lesson, she was late because she got pulled over by the cops. for going 30mph over the speed limit hahaha and then she had forgotten her license on top of that. So then she called her best friend to pick her up after the lesson and explained what happened. Her best friend laughed and her and said about time she got pulled over. Then about 10 minutes later she got a phone call from said best friend saying she had just gotten pulled over by a cop. Super funny. 
We had tried to visit this one person other missionaries referred us to but never had any success. Ever. and then so its been several weeks since we last tried but I was like we should go try that one lady. So we went in a time that she supposedly isnt normally home and a random creepy looking dude was outside her house. so My companion was like lets just try later and me being me figured well he deserves to here about Jesus too haha so we went out and turned out it was her husband and he was SUPER cool and interested. 
Over little things happened as well. 

Elder Quinton

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