Saturday, June 11, 2016

Week 77

June 6, 2016

WOOOO Happy early birthday Me! :) the big 24 haha. I only know 2 missionaries out here that are older than me. Of the.. 165 or so missonaries in my mission. Always makes me laugh. 
We had a pretty good week though. 
We gave a book of mormon to one of our investigators who is getting baptized in a month and he asked if he could have another because he gave it to someone. He's already read through it once and is halfway through again. 
Went on exchanges with Elder Smith (classic white person last name) but that went super well actually. We had some pretty funny stories that day. 
We got in kind of a water fight with some spanish members. They started it (it was about 8pm when we were about to leave) so then we of course had to get them back and then we won. nothing like having a hose/endless supply of water. Then when we left one snuck up behind me and I didn't see but my companion did and threw a huge amount of water all over my back. It was really cold. My companion asked if I wanted to go change shirts and I said nope. We went to contact someone we found in our records that was a referral from a member a couple years ago that no missonaries actually contacted. We pulled up and he was strapping his kid into the car so we got out real quick and started to talk to him ad he was like "this happened for a reason, I really needed to hear what you guys had to say and he wants us to come back in a couple days so that was awesome.
We had stake conference this past week. One of the members of the 70, Carlos Villarreal, wanted to meet with the spanish leadership and us and that went super good. He wanted to hear our ideas. 
I translated the stake conference so that was exhausting. 2 hours with no breaks aside from the 2 songs haha! that is tiring to do. The people were talking so quick too. Translating is tough in that type of setting. 
Things are going good though! This is the last week of the transfer. Who knows what will happen this next week!


Elder Quinton

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