Thursday, April 14, 2016

Week 68

Hi Everyone!!

April fools and general conference in the same week! If you had a favorite talk from conference let me know! 
We had a random snow day last week. Weve been walking a ton lately. It's been alright. Haven't had too much success yet. We did have some really good lessons though with a couple people. With Maria (one of the many we teach hahaha), shes been reading the scriptures every single day. We talked about what makes our church different than other churches. For those of you that don't know the major differences, they are 1) we believe that the foundation of prophet and apostles that Jesus Christ established has been restored to the earth meaning that the whole church (well, the whole world as they are prophet and apostles for the whole world) is directly guided by God through something called revelation. The apostle Paul said that this foundation would need to always be on the earth until we arrive at a unity of faith (which we obviously do not have yet). 2) We believe that priesthood authority restored to the earth through the prophet Joseph Smith which is the authority Jesus Christ had and gave to his apostles to teach, baptize, heal, act in the name of god, etc. Then of course 3) the Book of Mormon which is another testament of Jesus Christ. If you have any questions just let me know :) 
My companion got super sick this past week so we had to stay home a day or so. 
Funny story for the week. We were talking to this guy and he was asking us if its okay for him to have a couple girlfriends/wives. We told him no, he said he did. My companion called him a "Don Juan" which basically the name of those types of guys in the spanish soap operas (telenovelas) and turns out, that was seriously his name, we thought it was hilairous. He had just been kidding about the women though he's been married to the same woman for 56 years. 
I went on exchanges with a new missionary named elder Coronado. That guy is pretty cool we had a good time and were able to see tons of people that I used to teach. One of the inactive members I was teaching we had dinner with her and her husband and had been working with her to go to the temple and get her temple recommend and She told me she has her interview with the stake president!!!! :) took like a year. but shes almost there so that was super cool. 
There's more I could say but time always seems to go quick. Have a good week! :) 
Elder Quinton

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