Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Week 65


Hi everyone,

Things again are going pretty good. I finished writing my 3rd journal this past week!
I bought something called an Elevation training mask this past week, got a really good deal on it, normally are 80 but got mine for 50. Basically it makes it harder to breath and makes your work out more efficient so thats cool. My companion also bought one, i'll send a picture we took of us wearing them! :)
We met with a member, whose white, and made breakfast tortas for him, He really loved them, he's been wanting to learn how to cook like a Latino . Who better to ask than the Spanish missionaries?! well.. besides an actual Latino hahahahaha.
We found a family of 8 to teach this past week! That was super cool, things are looking up haha. The weathers been pretty crappy. We were going to start doing hiking for our 6 am work outs because the other missionaries who we play sports with don't get to the building until 6:35 (they must be doing their hair because its a 5 minute drive max haha) and then we have to stop at 6:55 supposedly. and So we get like 20 minute work outs its terrible. So we were going to do hiking and for some reason it made sense to me that day light savings would make it even lighter outside in the morning instead of well.. darker like it did. It was a sad morning when it was still pitch black. haha! not a whole lot new with me though.

Elder Quinton

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