Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Week 28

Interesting story for you. One of our investigators was supposed to go to jail today actually. Then she found out this past week that shes pregnant with quadruplets and also has leukemia soooo that part was kind of a downer. Shes having a hard time. onto more positive things though!

Our investigator Rosa, she told us that her gay friend asked her if the mormons she was talking to were attractive and she said we were coming over at 7 so come see for himself. He came only to see if we were good looking. hahahaha hilarious. We laughed when we found out. 

Every morning my comp. and I do role playing (lesson role playing, let me clarify) and one time we role played doing a street contact. He decided to be funny and pretend like he was luke skywalker. He had no idea who Jesus was of course so the way I described him was the most powerful jedi master of all time. hahaha. ridioculous. 

My comps. grandpa sent him a CD with something saying " this is the mormon tabernable choir singing texas songs, you might recognize a few of their guest artists" and the CD itself had the mormon tabernacle choir stuff on the cover. It looked all legit right? and then we put it in. kid you not, just full of george straight and other country songs about texas I was like WOW haha. 

I got asked out the other day? that was interesting. Someone told me they could make me blush. I said I bet you're wrong. Then she said "will you go out with me?" suffice to say, I did turn a little red. She has 3 kids and a boyfriend. anddddddd then she said no seriously when you're done with your mission thing you should come back. Talk about awkward. Sorry ladies. Not interested! funny still though. Missionary tags apparently just attract girls. They want what they cant have haha. 

Had 2 dinners last night. First time thats happened. We ate with members and then we were walking by latinos and they asked if we wanted food. I said no and my comp looked at me, smiled and said "we're hungry for tacos!" I was like WOW man I was so full. 

Love you all!
Elder Quinton

guess who found a kitten


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