Monday, June 15, 2015

Week 27

Hi All,
We have broken the 50 lesson mark this past week! 51 lessons. We continually have the most investigators at church and new investigators and lessons. Our district which is 6 companionships normally gets about 150-175 lessons a week. Just my comp and I normally make up a third or a fourth of that. Despite his and my differences we work very well together that is for sure. 

One of our recent converts, his name is Filemon, I don't think I told you this before but about 10-15 years ago he was working at a restaurant and someone approached him asking him if he would be Zorro in the film they were about to start filming. He thought they were kidding so he said no. Sure enough not 2 years later Zorro came out. He's the guy I said looks like a spanish soap opera doctor. 

One of the people we just started teaching, we knocked on the door and he yelled "is it the muffin man?!" hahah and as he's about to open the door we hear him say "oh crud I have to go put boxers on". So funny. 

My birthday was pretty good! I had only told 2 people a couple weeks ago. They got it out of me. And then kid you not they told EVERYONE. It was pretty funny.
We were supposed to have a baptism this past weekend butttttttttt then it was kind of rushed so our Zone Leader who interviewed the 3 people told us he feels like it needs to wait a few more weeks. The mom mayyyyy be going to prison for 6 years though. Not sure yet. Crazy stuff though. We also had a zone training on my bday where the president and his wife came to say goodbyes since they end their mission in 2 weeks. I was asked to talk a couple minutes about an experience that made my faith in Christ jump forwards. I got up to share what I felt I needed to and it was crazy. I dont think I've seen so many people cry (in a good way) because of somethign I say ever.... like 10 people it was crazyyyy. 

'Ive been slowly realizing how many talents and blessings I have. It has been 100 degrees twice this week. Not okay... hahaha it sucked. 

My piano skills have been improving. I don't play much but I have noticed its better. 

Another funny story, not sure how this came up but someone was talking about the french and they said do you guys know what the french flag looks like? Thinking I was hilarious I said, "Yea, its all white!" referncing the retreat or giving up flag hahahaha. It was funny. but not something I should have said. But Im sure there will be a few of you to get a chuckle out of it. 
We've had such an amazing week this week though. So many good lessons and people we've met just really wanting  to Change their lives. Its been great. 
 Elder Quinton 

Rosa came to stake conference

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