Wednesday, June 24, 2015

  Caleb's birthday having fried ice cream

Week 28

Interesting story for you. One of our investigators was supposed to go to jail today actually. Then she found out this past week that shes pregnant with quadruplets and also has leukemia soooo that part was kind of a downer. Shes having a hard time. onto more positive things though!

Our investigator Rosa, she told us that her gay friend asked her if the mormons she was talking to were attractive and she said we were coming over at 7 so come see for himself. He came only to see if we were good looking. hahahaha hilarious. We laughed when we found out. 

Every morning my comp. and I do role playing (lesson role playing, let me clarify) and one time we role played doing a street contact. He decided to be funny and pretend like he was luke skywalker. He had no idea who Jesus was of course so the way I described him was the most powerful jedi master of all time. hahaha. ridioculous. 

My comps. grandpa sent him a CD with something saying " this is the mormon tabernable choir singing texas songs, you might recognize a few of their guest artists" and the CD itself had the mormon tabernacle choir stuff on the cover. It looked all legit right? and then we put it in. kid you not, just full of george straight and other country songs about texas I was like WOW haha. 

I got asked out the other day? that was interesting. Someone told me they could make me blush. I said I bet you're wrong. Then she said "will you go out with me?" suffice to say, I did turn a little red. She has 3 kids and a boyfriend. anddddddd then she said no seriously when you're done with your mission thing you should come back. Talk about awkward. Sorry ladies. Not interested! funny still though. Missionary tags apparently just attract girls. They want what they cant have haha. 

Had 2 dinners last night. First time thats happened. We ate with members and then we were walking by latinos and they asked if we wanted food. I said no and my comp looked at me, smiled and said "we're hungry for tacos!" I was like WOW man I was so full. 

Love you all!
Elder Quinton

guess who found a kitten


Monday, June 15, 2015

Week 27

Hi All,
We have broken the 50 lesson mark this past week! 51 lessons. We continually have the most investigators at church and new investigators and lessons. Our district which is 6 companionships normally gets about 150-175 lessons a week. Just my comp and I normally make up a third or a fourth of that. Despite his and my differences we work very well together that is for sure. 

One of our recent converts, his name is Filemon, I don't think I told you this before but about 10-15 years ago he was working at a restaurant and someone approached him asking him if he would be Zorro in the film they were about to start filming. He thought they were kidding so he said no. Sure enough not 2 years later Zorro came out. He's the guy I said looks like a spanish soap opera doctor. 

One of the people we just started teaching, we knocked on the door and he yelled "is it the muffin man?!" hahah and as he's about to open the door we hear him say "oh crud I have to go put boxers on". So funny. 

My birthday was pretty good! I had only told 2 people a couple weeks ago. They got it out of me. And then kid you not they told EVERYONE. It was pretty funny.
We were supposed to have a baptism this past weekend butttttttttt then it was kind of rushed so our Zone Leader who interviewed the 3 people told us he feels like it needs to wait a few more weeks. The mom mayyyyy be going to prison for 6 years though. Not sure yet. Crazy stuff though. We also had a zone training on my bday where the president and his wife came to say goodbyes since they end their mission in 2 weeks. I was asked to talk a couple minutes about an experience that made my faith in Christ jump forwards. I got up to share what I felt I needed to and it was crazy. I dont think I've seen so many people cry (in a good way) because of somethign I say ever.... like 10 people it was crazyyyy. 

'Ive been slowly realizing how many talents and blessings I have. It has been 100 degrees twice this week. Not okay... hahaha it sucked. 

My piano skills have been improving. I don't play much but I have noticed its better. 

Another funny story, not sure how this came up but someone was talking about the french and they said do you guys know what the french flag looks like? Thinking I was hilarious I said, "Yea, its all white!" referncing the retreat or giving up flag hahahaha. It was funny. but not something I should have said. But Im sure there will be a few of you to get a chuckle out of it. 
We've had such an amazing week this week though. So many good lessons and people we've met just really wanting  to Change their lives. Its been great. 
 Elder Quinton 

Rosa came to stake conference

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Week 26

WOOOO Happy Bday week for me! :) 
It has been super hot this past week! well hot for me. high 80s.  Last week we went hiking and that was super fun. 
We've had so many powerful lessons this past week. It was cool. Lots of funny stories too. I'll keep with tradition and tell mostly the funny ones. :) 

Jacky and Janet's sisters Nancy and Angelica and Sarah don't live in our area but they are at Jackys house very often so we talk to them about church of course. We told them there are some really good Sister missionaries in their area and they were like "what if we don't want sister missionaries?" and then one of them asked "Are you guys married" but in spanish. So Estan Casados? The word for tired is cansado and my companion thought she said if we were tired and he replied "No, we have energy all the time its great!" and I was like WOW hahaha everyone laughed real hard. He turned very red suffice to say. 

It is very funny though, I dont think I've ever gotten so much attention from women in my entire life hahaha! Its gotta be the fact number 1. I'm a missionary and therefore something they can't have. It is amusing though. Just have to be careful of course. 
My comp is kind of funny though. He thinks he is gods gift to women (ironic I say that after what I just said haaa..I dont think that about myself though). This past week one of the things he did was the sister missionary he knows is from his home town. She's in our district now and her eye was twitching because something was in it. In the car ride home after the meeting we had, he was like "Man Sister Underly was winking me at the entire time, it was awesome" hahahahahaha I was just dying. Rolled my eyes a few times at him. 
We had a baptism this past week! :) It was great, I'll send a picture. I've never seen someone get dressed so quickly afterwards... kid you not MAYBE 1.5 minutes after she was out of the water. It was crazy. 
I was on exchanges with Elder Leon this past week aggain. Love that guy. Probably the coolest missionary I've met thus far. He and I get along super well I hope we get to be companions at some point. 
At church yesterday one of the members sisters was there (shes 27 and sometimes comes to our ward, sometimes to the singles ward) and I had met her real quick so I asked how the schooling went. She just finished a masters in Economics. Then I found out she was super intellectual and would be a perfect friend for someone we teach. I said that then asked if we could get her number. Brother Coughlin, the ward mission leader was with me and he said in a joking voice "he's asking for COMPLETELY missionary puroses only " hahahaha I turned so red it was embarrassing. Anyways I need to get going. this email is huge haha! Good luck
Elder Quinton

Day hike up to a huge flag

Monday, June 1, 2015

Week 25

Hey all yet again!
Carson is back to normal this week no more rain. 
I have a 5 inch thick binder that is packed full with talks I have printed off. Its pretty great. Speaking of talks, an interesting one you guys might like is called "Why 1820?" by Hyrum W. Smith. Talking about why the restoration needed to happen in 1820. Helps to contextualize some of historical events and that type of thing. 
I found out that one of the sister missionaries here has been praying for short and balding missionaries because she didn't want to fall for any of them hahaa. She is the same height as me. It was so funny. My comp was so mad about it when he heard beacuse hes 5ft 8 anddddddd balding. 
Sister Christensen (one of the originals from when I got here) was transfered! New sister is Sister Underly.
My comp and I had a mini comp inventory because he doesn't care about being late places. He was 40 minutes late to get back from exchanges so we were 45 minutes late to dinner. Stayed for 15 minutes and left. Then he was like well it was a good reason (he later told me that he couldn't get the member he had with him to shut up lol). Then later he did it several more times. Lots of the members here he has offended too which is great. I talked to him about it and he was like "well I don't really care, i'm not here to please members anyways" which sucks because I've worked really hard to gain their trust. Plus he has to realize working through the members is the best way to do missionary work. Not sure what his deal has been lately. Oh well though! I am doing great like always :) 

We went to one of our investigators quincernera on saturaday! which is a 15th bday for latinos for those who don't know. Its a big deal for them. We had a lot of people there we knew. We made an appearance, took pictures. Ate some food and left. 

Yesterday we had a special stake conference with President Rasband who is the president of the qurums of the 70. He told us some personal stories he had with L. Tom Perry who passed away on friday I believe. 

The Robinsons, who are from Seattle. I've talked about them before. They are from Redmond actually, sorry. They were showing us pictures of their kids (they had before) and their youngest daughter who is serving a mission in Baltimore, I knew her boyfriend and a bunch of their friends it was so funny. small world. 
Have a great week!
