Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Week 63


Hello all! We had tons of things happen this past week. zone conference was one. We saw a ton of our friends at it which was pretty sweet! 

Isabel, someone we just started teaching told us that she gives us an A+ for teaching and she likes that we don't try to push what we teach on her. 

Exchanges with Elder Hixson! that went super well, we talked to and saw a whole tonnnnnnnnnnnnn of people. it was pretty great! It was good, just what I needed. 

Gama and Belem, some people I taught from my last area and well some of the finest of Nevada, came to visit me! That was pretty awesome we caught up with them. 

A missionary that served here but has finished his mission since came to visit us also. The person that brought him is named Costen Colburn who I KNOW! I know his older brother Keifer and met Costen years back at Keifers wedding. Small world haha. 

At church, we translated sacrament, taught gospel principals AND priesthood. So that was kind of fun. To teach and do everything. Its been happening more and more lately. 

I also found out a lady here, her brother lives in Mount Vernon and is the owner of the Action Pages phone book and is LDS. I've met him before name is David Lindsey. This past week has just been full of little miracles 


Elder Quinton

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