Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Week 62



Hope things are going well for you all. 

Lots of funny things this past week. Some people we are teaching, their 8 year old daughter this past week beat up 2 10 year old boys at school . They were bullying her and she had told the principal and they did nothing about it nor did they believe the girl so she took things into her own hands. Kind of sad . 

We have been trying a lot to encourage the Spanish members to be examples and share the gospel and whatnot and it really paid off this past week so that was awesome. Several came out with us even. 

I was at the church building on Friday waiting for the lesson we had rescheduled to come to the church building. Before he got there, someone walked in the door with a Seattle Seahawks shirt and I was like hey are you from Seattle? He was in his 30s or so, his father who was visiting him here walked in and was like Elder Quinton, I've been looking for you! I was like hmmm that's strange. 

Tells me his name is Lonny Townsend, lives in Anacortes and knows my grandparents Dorrel and Gail very well and also knows my parents and some of my aunts and uncles! Small world. He just got called to be the mission president for Mesa, Arizona. He said he saw my name on the wall at the church building back home in Mount Vernon and we just "randomly" ran into each other. 

Still lots of good things happened. Busy week that's for sure. The weather was pretty cold for a few days. even snowed. 

picture: I saw Pinky! someone I taught when I was here before. We were driving by and saw him outside so stopped to talk. 

Elder Quinton


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