Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Week 4

Hey guys!

This week has been kind of crazy I got food poisoning for 2 days which was you know, lovely. I felt like a two headed dragon it was disgusting. Not to paint a vivid image in your mind or anything :-) after I thought I was feeling better I wanted to brave dinner but I passed out (literally) in the bathroom and then I managed to open the door in time for me to pass out again it was all kinds of fun! I am very fortunate though because hours after I felt better, the water in the entire campus and part of the city got shut off because some idiot hit the main water line hahahahahaha! so that would of been a very uncomfortable experience had that happened while I was sick. 

Its been kind of annoying, because of all the Spanish I'm being exposed to down here, I am having trouble spelling in English which annoys me because I'm a grammar freak! Ah missionary problems. It is kind of funny though when I am speaking in English and finish the thought in spanish. Sometimes its difficult to remember which language I am trying to speak. 

My roommates Elder Craner and Elder Short (short is going to Reno) are hilarious. We always have a lot of fun with them. I work out with Elder Craner at 5:30 every morning besides Sunday. 

So many funny things happened this past week. Elder Brander, I forgot to mention previously, he is my district leader, he looks like a short version of Channing Tatum. He is a super funny guy.
 I woke up one morning to find a MASSIVE spider in my shower, it was about 4 inches wide. I was in the bathroom about to get in the shower andddddddd it moved right next to my foot. I jumped about a mile in the air.

Myself and another elder in my district were asked to help one of the sisters in our district with her Spanish during our personal language study because she's having a lot of trouble. 

After teaching one of our "investigators" this past week, who is our teacher, He told my companion and I that we have the best prepared lessons by far out of everyone and that we are both really good teachers and we switch off talking perfectly, we knuckle bumped and then after we left we busted up laughing because that lesson we literally prepared in about a minute because we have been really busy lately. It was quite the compliment though I felt pretty awesome. 

Yesterday I played Cage soccer for the first time since I've been here. My companion never wants to but I convinced a guy in my district to go on splits and play with me. There are always tons of people playing but yesterday there weren't a whole ton. Only about 20. There's 6 people per team and once someone scores one point the losers get off the field. My team played against some of the locals and we killed it, we won 6 games in a row and then we went on another winning streak. Elder Laws (the guy I went on splits with) was sold on playing he scored several goals and he wants to play for most of today as well. I am going to chop my hair off today wooooo! That's what I am going to do right after I get off emailing.

I met several elders going to our home mission (Everett WA)! They asked if I could give them some contacts but I haven't because I didn't know who to. 

Well I am done for the week but I have been out for 4 weeks!

Don't have too much fun without me :) 

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