Sunday, December 28, 2014

Week 2

Happy Christmas everyone! ;) This week has gone pretty well. Our first investigator is now our new teacher! I called that was going to happen after our first lesson with him though. Things have been going well though. I keep being very suprised at the lack of knowledge of the missionaries out here. I don't feel like I know very much, but I feel like I know a whole lot more than some of these guys. Some just dont even get it. That or they are just distracted and missing their families and whatnot, who knows.

When we do like little mini classes and discussions I always try not to talk too much to give other people a chance but then its super awkwardly silent so I talk anyways. I've found I talk a lot more than i realized but oh well. I started teaching my companion to play the piano this past week! He's doing alright at it, only taught him 2 songs so far though and he has a long way to go. Has no piano experience though and he's doing pretty well. I've also discovered I can play the piano way better than I thought I could. I can make up the most random tunes while I'm playing and it sounds really cool so that made me happy because I always wanted to be able to do that.

I was sick most of the past week. started out with a sore throat and headache. Then my voice was gone and I sounded like the worlds manliest man because my voice went down about 5 octaves which was both amusing, but it sucked because I talk all day and am trying to learn a language too which you knows makes things interesting. Lots of people here have been sick actually. I'm finally most of the way better though, but my voice isn't all the way back which sucks.  

The Elders in my district and I have found the weirdest ways to find entertainment. Lately, weve been taking spoons from the lunchroom and trying to "spoon" people. We trying to stick the spoons through peoples belt loops, lapels, pockets, etc without them noticing. Its actually been quite hilarious.

We've been playing lots of volleyball for gym time daily. Yesterday we played a mixture of tennis, volleyball, and soccer which was really fun. It was on a tennis court. I kicked the ball really hard just for fun knowing it was going to go way out of the court. Annddddddd. It landed inside a trash can. about 50 yards away. Coolest thing ever I wish that had been on video, definitely an accident haha. 
The MTC president down here straight up sounds exactly like "pancha" from emperors new groove. Or sully from monsters inc, same actor. 

Ive thought a lot about like the restoration and whatnot the last couple weeks and that type of thing. Its crazy how much the early church members went through. 

I forgot to say, but last week my branch president pulled me aside and asked if we could talk and I was like uhhhh okay. He wanted to make sure I wasnt mad or upset or anything because the day before he had called someone else in my district to be district leader. I was like no I'm definitely okay. He was like well I wanted you to know that when I met you I was going to call you to be district leader on the spot but apparently he felt strongly that one of the elders needed it instead. So that made me feel good inside that he thought so highly of me so quickly lol.

I had to give a talk this past sunday in church, in spanish. That went pretty well I thought. Every single week we all have to write a talk and then we figure out who is speaking right after the sacrament is done so that is always fun. 

Soooooooo I heard an ex communication story yesterday. Our district leader was telling us about it. Apparently two elders he heard got excommunicated (not from the mtc, it happened like a year or two ago he said). But the reason they got excommunicated is because they baptized a turtle, gave it the priesthood, and took it through an endowment session to get its endowments out...... yes. a TURTLE. I thought it was a little amusing but at the same time am just like "are ya stupidddd?"

There's a lot of elders here too I've found that are just... idk we call it "vultering" or wife hunting. They just flirt with the sister missionaries allllllll day its kinda ridiculous. Im sure there are a lot more stuff I could say. In fact I think most my emails are just about funny stories and less spiritual experiences that I've been having but that is okay. If anyone wants to hear about those experiences they can ask me personally ;) I love you guys! thanks for the emails. MERRRRYYYYYYY CHRISTMAS! 

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